Aftermath ♡̴̧̨̜͕̰̺̰̳̻̖̙̤̜̜͋́̽̅̋͑͌̀́̿̏͗̿̍̋́̿͋͝

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(Was supposed to upload this on a Sunday as usual but I got sick-)

(I'm okay tho don't worry :)

Honestly never a fun day when you have to upload a chapter you HATE but-

Y'all I just wanna say-

Thank you for the support for this story. I honestly never expected this to happen.

But seriously, the kind and funny comments y'all are leaving me just blew me off the roof.

I love yall so much.

Hugs and cheek smooches from the Kinkmaster ❤️💋

Next chapter, expect something interesting and somewhat funny.

(P.S.) there is a lot of dialogue in this chapter and Sarah's kinda OOC (one of the things I hate about this chapter lol)

~First Person POV~

Dear Dad,

This may be an unexpected thing you may have to hear but,

I'm honestly not having a good time here at Mandela County.

A friend that I met months ago and has always been by my ding dang side for quite some time has kept a huge secret from me. And that secret is one big whoop for me and..possibly for everyone else.

I'm not gonna tell you the secret. I just don't feel like it. But that secret was just so shocking that I had to slam the door on their face for good.

And I know you have always reminded me to always forgive someone and accept them for who they are but..

Now..That's just not working for me. I can't seem to forgive the person who I thought was an Angel.

And the acceptance part?

I'm sorry, Dad. I can't accept them. What they did was truly awful.

I can't forgive them for that.

I'll let you know when things start to cheer up for me.

But I don't know if they will.

Love, hugs and kisses,
(Y/N) (L/N)

I felt like I just wrote an entire essay on the computer.

But eventually, I had the courage and guts to email my dad about my life here at Mandela County currently.

And what I typed in there was obviously true as it is.

It had been about three days since I cut off ties with..The False Angel. And of course, things were not working out for me..

I had been down in the dumps more than usual in public. Especially at work. The people there were very concerned and worried for me and I appreciate it, but I kept on telling them that I'm just tired or I haven't got much sleep or something along the lines..?

I don't..I don't know..

I couldn't even talk to my friends and family on the phone. Not even talking to my dad as well..

Until I had to send him that email of course.

The worst part?

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