The Report ♡

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I really should have a schedule for this story, but for now I will probably upload a chapter every Sunday or Wednesday. It depends on my motivation though, but I promise that I will upload every chapter of this story as soon as possible.

Anyway, go enjoy this dumbass story.

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~N's POV~

I stood there dumbfounded as I had witness something, or rather SOMEONE acting strange. This was unlike any other resident in this county. The people here were always afraid of me and my kind. They hid in their houses ALL. THE. TIME. Whenever they saw us, they would instantly "run away and hide".

However, my target....(Y/N), is it? She was unlike the cowardly people. She was confident and..friendly? She also seemed to misunderstood what I was saying to her. That was weird. The words that I was whispering to her were something that nobody should desire to hear. If they heard it, they would instantly go drive themselves insane and take their own life for good. This strange girl though seemed to fight against my actions due to her optimistic attitude.

All I know about her was that she had just recently moved here, which was why she maybe must had not know about Alternates. I have to go report this to my boss quickly. He needs to know about this. To know about this new girl acting friendly, bubbly and possibly oblivious to my kind. I wonder what he will do to her...I quickly ran to where the Alternate Castle was.

~Time skip brought to you by a bunch of Cesar Simps ~

I finally made it to the Alternate Base, or as Six and I liked to call it, the Alternate Castle because my god the base was HUGE! As huge as a fucking mansion!

It's like a royal palace in there too with my boss as "king" of the Alternates and we are his trusty subjects who would always receive missions from him, which all of them were legit about killing someone.

I made my way inside the castle as Six came walking up to me.

"Hi, N! How's your little killing-someone-I-don't-know-mission goin'?", he greeted me and asked me a question. I had an obvious but surprising answer to that question.

"I..I'm not sure. It was not what I was expecting.", I responded. "What do you mean?", Six asked.

I told him with every detail on what the fuck happened today. And let me tell ya, his expression showed surprise at my response.

"Holy shit. Your target actually became friendly and she did not kill herself!?", he shouted. I nodded. "I'm gonna report this to Gabriel. He'll know what to do about this weird lady.", I said. Six nodded his head, understanding what I needed to do and he let me do my own thing. I went to "Gabriel", getting ready to report about my mission.

~Nobody's POV~

N came walking to his boss as he had something to report to him. Believe me, what he witnessed was still lingering around his mind. I know that it was just a person getting all confident to him but he never really saw that before. He walked upstairs to where "Gabriel" was.

"Gabriel" the ArchAngel was reading a book peacefully in his room. He expected N's mission on killing the new resident to go perfectly and successfully well since his goal was to end all of Earth's humanity with his children he had created. The beautiful Angel stopped reading when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in."

N heard what the angel said and opened the door gently. "Hello, boss.", the Alternate greeted him. "Ah, N. Glad you're back. How was the mission?", "Gabriel" asked him politely. "Well..It wasn't going as you and I would expect..", N responded.

"What do you mean?"

~after an explanation, brought to you by a bunch of "Gabriel" Simps (like the author. Kill her if ya need to lol)~

"So let me get this straight. You approached the target and tried to make her commit suicide..And yet she managed to fight through all of that with her.....friendly attitude?"





~"Gabriel"'s POV~

I was in disbelief. Like I didn't want to believe what N said. I mean..The new resident is optimistic and fearless? Does she even know what an Alternate is? Has she never watched the broadcast about Alternates?

"That..Can't be true.", I said, still in disbelief. "It is true, boss. On top of that, she gave me this cookie.", N responded as he pulled out a chocolate chip cookie.

I shook my head and grabbed the cookie. "This is not right. Your target, a new resident of Mandela County, needs to understand about our kind and what we can do. We should teach her a lesson.", I said.

I crushed the cookie with my bare hand as I was determined that I would do something to this girl whose name that N told me was..(Y/N)? N watched me with surprise and curiosity.

"How do we teach her, boss?", N asked me. I thought for a bit, but then after a while, I turned around to face N. A sadistic smile and eyes appeared on my face as N looked at me with a scared look on his face.

"Stay here

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"Stay here. I'll deal with (Y/N) real quick."


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