The Angel And His Friends ♡

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~First Person POV~

It had been a few days since I met the "Angel" Gabriel. I could not get his acts out of my mind. It was so freaking amazing! How did he manage to turn his face creepy with makeup? How did he make that black box thingy disappear? Is he not only a cosplayer but a magician as well? I'm not gonna lie though..

He's kinda hot-

Okay I'll stop.

After waking up, having breakfast and coffee, and talking with my dad through the phone about my life in Mandela County, I was ready for some chores to do, since today was my day off from work. I had already been accustomed to my new life in Mandela County, despite all this weird gloomy gray atmosphere of people hiding in their homes and being paranoid of some stuff that I was still confused of. This town could use a bit of (Y/N) magic, am I right?

I wanted to go outside to clear my mind. The sun was out with a few clouds so it was a good opportunity for me to take a quick ol' drive and walk around the county. Maybe I can meet Cesar again? He seems like a chill man. I like chill people (and other people of some kinds), so it can't be that of a problem to meet him.

I grabbed a few things (like my keys and bags of treats, in case I meet another person and I wanna give them food), put them in my purse and went out the front door feeling confident, as I was always that way.


Only to see the same Angel cosplayer from a few days ago sitting on my chair at the front porch.

"Good morning, dove. The Lord has blessed you with another day.", he greeted with a smile on his face. Speaking of, his face was..a normal looking face now. His weird wide creepy smile had been turned into a thin smile. His eyes were normal and half lidded without any cartoon creepiness inside of them. His face was actually quite..more hot now-


Anyway, I was surprised that he came to my house. How did he know where I live? Was it just a lucky guess? Did he follow me? I was making so many assumptions on the question in my head as I stared at the angel back.

"Oh hi, Gabriel! The Lord has blessed you too.", I greeted him back with a smile. "How did you know where I live?", I asked him with confusion. There has to be an answer to that question, right?

The Angel Cosplayer stood up and walked toward me and holy heck, he is so tall! Like really tall! He's like 6 ft tall bro. Why did I have to be so short...

"I am your guardian Angel, (Y/N). I know everything about you and I will be with you until the end of your life. I will follow you wherever you go. I will watch you and look after you. T̸̛̺̦̰̖̈̍͝H̸̟͂̕Ị̴͍̟̍S̶̻̥̰̋̎̀͒ ̸̢̛̱Ḯ̷̳S̵̯̼̽͑̕ ̴̗̜̮͂̓̂̉N̵̡̪̉O̸̗͛͌̊͝T̶̯͙̲̩͐̾̍͘ ̷̺͕̔̾A̴͙̠̦̩͛͝ ̴͉̳̙̒̎̕J̴͎̃̅̊͋O̵̞̤̊͋̇̒K̴̟̀̈́̔E̷̘̕.̸̧̞̈́ͅ.

Holy crap, his voice was sounding so weird at the end. Almost as if it's glitching again. How was that even possible? His face turned back into that creepy version again. Again with those large cartoonish creepy eyes with that wide smile on his face. My sweat dropped. This Cosplayer was not acting like an actual Cosplayer.

"Y-You're an actual Angel..?", I said to him, stunned.

"Yes, (Y/N). I am not a Cosplayer. I am the t̶r̶u̶e̶ Archangel Gabriel and you should know that.", he said.

I was astonished by this Angel. He was not a cosplayer all this time! So if he was not a cosplayer..and he is an actual angel..Then that meant...

"Angels are real.", I whispered loudly with an innocent smile. "Angels are real! I'M NOT CRAZY AFTER ALL!! EEEEEEEEEEEE!" I squealed in excitement, jumping up and down while clapping. I was so ecstatic that Angels were indeed real. In your face, Karens! I took a deep breath and stared at the now normal, half lidded, attractive face of Gabriel.

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