Meet the Preacher ♡

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I just wanna say, thank you for 1k views on this story! It's not very interesting to me though so I'm not gonna celebrate it.



and others, thank you for all of your support. You made me smile with your words and made my day better. Love y'all so fucking much

Enjoy this chapter ❤️❤️‍🩹

~First Person POV~

I woke up in a strange room filled with recognizable strange lights and candles. There was also a stained glass window of a piece of intricate art of..An upside down cross. Light was shining through the window in different shades of the stained glass colors. Then I saw that I had woken up on a soft comfortable couch.

'Gabriel or somebody else must have found me sleeping in the garden and took me here.' I thought. I sat up and stretched, feeling and hearing all my bones pop painlessly. I took out my phone and saw that the time was 7:30 am. "Huh. It's already morning.", I said out loud.

I got off of the couch and went to the kitchen. It was completely dim on my way through but with sunlight shining into it. It was pretty empty as well since Gabriel and all of the inhuman creatures were sleeping with ease. I was trying my best to not disturb them.

I turned on the kitchen light and, just like what a nice person would do, prepared breakfast for Gabriel and the others. Eggs, bacon, all that type of stuff. Although..Do Angels and the mysterious creatures eat that type of stuff? Eh, I shall see!

As I was cooking, I was still thinking about what the Alternates look like. Maybe I should meet up with that girl, Sarah, again. I mean, once I get some free time, then maybe..Just maybe I might encounter a slight coincidence with meeting the blonde haired girl again. I mean..The Alternates can't be that bad, am I right, dear readers and simps?

After what seemed like a 30 minutes or so, I was finally done with breakfast. I stretched my arms and upper body out as I was so dang tired from gaining energy and cooking.

I put the eggs and bacon on several plates, ready to leave them on the table and wait for Gabriel and the Alternates to wake up and be surprised by it. Suddenly, I felt two hands landing on my shoulders harshly, startling me. I slowly turned my head to see..Uh..

I don't know how to describe this one but

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I don't know how to describe this one but..Large agape mouth, creepy eyes, and a veil, almost like this one is dressed like a nun. I gasped as I looked at it in surprise. This inhuman creature started to whisper some..unexplainable stuff to me. I didn't understand it as I was still in shock by looking at this creature.

"Oh my gosh.." I said out loud. They started whispering again, only louder this time. "I'm sorry?", I said, still confused. The grips on my shoulder tighten and slight pain was appearing, leaving me a bit uncomfortable with this nun-like creature.

They leaned in to my ear and whispered to me once more...And yet...I was still so dang confused. I only tilted my head, trying to understand what were they trying to say.

The impossible-nun creature stopped whispering and moved away from my ear, staring at me with eye contact. I began to smile in an odd innocent way. "I know what you need.", I said in a determined way.


I immediately hugged the nun-like creature so tightly as I smiled so widely. I didn't even know them yet but like I said, I like hugs! The creature must had been so surprised that they started to move away from me. I chuckled nervously.

"Sorry! I like to hug sometimes...Maybe I am a little too friendly.", I apologized. I could see their hand turning into a fist in a nanosecond in annoyance and frustration.

Gabriel came in and saw me and the creature looking at each other. I looked at the Angel still having my stupid smile on my stupid face. "Hi, Gabriel!", I greeted him. The Angel stared at me with a confused look on his bootiful face but he quickly got a thin smile.

"Ah, (Y/N). I see you have met the Preacher. She's one of my good friends here, although she is a bit clumsy. She found you sleeping in my garden and took you inside.", Gabriel said, introducing me to this nun creature. Now it all makes sense.

"Ohh..Well it is nice to meet you, Preacher! It is strange that I am here in this place but no worries, I won't do any harm on you!", I said in a compassionate tone, reassuring Preacher that I'm not gonna cause chaos (hopefully-).

Preacher stared at me with confused eyes and walked away without any response as I looked at her in a confused expression.

Gabriel shook his head and walked over me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry about the Preacher, dove. She's unsure about visitors but she will warm up to you eventually.", the Angel reassured me with ease.

~Six's POV~

Man, waking up was pretty hard for me. I wanted to sleep in for four more hours. But I had no choice. His Majesty is gonna assign me a mission, which is obviously to make a human go die.


(Y/N)'s food me and the others ate for breakfast was..So damn good..




Anyway, I was laying down on the couch, feeling the sun on my face as I closed my eyes and think about what mission am I gonna be assigned to. Whether that be kidnapping children and making the parents go oof themselves or simply just kill a human (AND I HOPE THAT HUMAN IS (Y/N)).

All of a sudden, I hear sudden audible talking coming from outside the mansion. I looked outside and saw..Two humans outside the base.

"Ah hell..", I said out loud as I flew off of the couch and went to the Alternates.

"Someone's right outside our castle, guys!", I yelled at them.

I wonder what shall we do with them...

Hebrews 10:24

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,


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