Bythorne Paranormal Society ♡̸̠̖̖̬̫̈́̎̕̚͝

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Imma be honest, I had so much fucking fun writing this chapter.

Enjoy this story.

While you still can....

~First Person POV~

A good couple months went by and I can safely say that my new life in Mandela County was going absolutely amazing. I did not regret starting a new chapter here from living with my dad at his house to becoming a fully grown independent woman here in Wisconsin.

I also made some new friends as well, even from work as well. I made friends with my new coworkers, customers, my boss, and much more! I still kept contact with my old friends. I still could not find that girl Sarah anywhere..

Aside from that, I also made friends with some more creatures as well. I am aware that they are inhuman but just because they are inhuman doesn't mean that they are hostile to humans, right? They had warmed up to me after a month and well things went pretty great!

The best part?

One name..


Gabriel was part of my top 3 besties list and I think he made it into first place! This angel was by my side for a couple months and we always know how to brighten up each others day.

Every time I get stressed out from work (which happens very rarely), I come home to open wings of the Angel. With a lots of reading and cooking, this handsome gentleman can really do a lot to make my day as happy as ever.

At times, he wasn't here. But he always makes it up for me by letting me help him make some pies (his favorite pie to make is apple pie).

I do the same thing too. Whenever I come to the mansion late from work, I cheer him up by reading with him with some books. And yes we have ran out of new books but we always love the same ol books. So that wasn't a problem for me and Gabriel.

Our bonding has gotten to the point of me already thinking something I never thought before..

Almost as if..

I'd like our relationship to be...

More than friends?




Dang it..I hate those kinds of thoughts!

Always happening whenever I think about the new thought of me and Gabriel's relationship.

I should take a walk..

Maybe I should...

And so I grabbed my keys and went out the door to take a walk before going to Gabriel's mansion. It was my day off from work and I want to get some fresh air before going to cause chaos at Gabriel's house.

I had gotten used to the eerie atmosphere of this county so I wasn't scared of walking past these houses anymore. Instead I was focused on my mind emptying out all those ridiculously crazy thoughts that were swirling around.

I saw two teenage boys in front of a house staring at it. I stopped at a safe distance and walked around a car parked near them. Then I heard their conversation which was..Interesting.

"You sure this is the right house, Adam?"

"I'm positive, Jonah. Don't act so hesitant. It's not like an alternate will come and kill us once we get inside."

Mandela Catalogue: Mirth ♡Where stories live. Discover now