Red Light Dreams Made Flesh 7

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*warning this chapter is mature

Hyunjin let the guys get to know Felix but fought with himself every second. He wanted his sunshine boy alone. Their dreams had lasted months and he had only gotten a chance to taste Felix's lips once. He was longing for another taste. He wanted to spend hours mapping every inch of sunshine's body with his fingers and mouth. It was like all the dreams had been foreplay even though they weren't sexual in nature. He worked hard to get his body and desires under control. He wasn't usually so out of control. It was all Felix. His obsession. He pulled his sunshine's ear to his mouth. "I want you to stay tonight. If you are willing that is." He whispered.

Felix looked back at him and gave a gentle smile. "Where ever you want me, whenever and however. I'm yours." He whispered back. He heard Hyunjin give a soft groan behind him and the man nuzzled into his neck. Felix smiled and then rested his head on Hyunjin's shoulder and listened to the conversations, laughing as Minho was savagely making fun of Changbin who was pouting cutely. Felix tugged gently at Hyunjin's collar just playing with it as if he needed to touch Hyunjin just as much as the man needed to touch him.

They talked until Hyunjin couldn't take it anymore and he pushed Felix's legs off him and when Felix looked hurt, he simply stood and held out his hand to Felix. His sunshine looked at him curiously and then took his hand. Hyunjin led him to his room and gently closed the door behind them. He led Felix to his bed and sat, drawing the boy down with him. He sat in silence just staring at Felix, he gently caressed his face and ran his thumb over his sunshine's bottom lip. "You're beautiful." That smile he loved so much crossed Felix's face and the boy reached up to run his fingers through Hyunjin's hair.

"Not as beautiful as you are." Felix said and then he bit his lip nervously. Hyunjin could feel the boy's hands tremble with his nerves. "Jinnie, what are we?" He finally asked. "I'm not trying to push myself somewhere where I'm not wanted or trying to force you to be with me or anything; we just haven't talked about what this means for us. I'm so drawn to you but I don't know how you feel about me and I'm worried because you could have anyone and I'm just me..." He was babbling in his nervousness and only stopped when Hyunjin touched his lips gently with a finger.

Knowing that he had more to say than Felix would understand, he opened the translation app and began speaking. "There is no one like you sunshine. You came to me at a time when I felt lost and so alone. You showed up with that brilliant smile and you brought color and joy back to my life. You brought passion back to my life and reminded me that I was more than the face in the video. You cared about me and took care of me even though you didn't know I was real." He let it translate but kept his finger over Felix's lips, indicating he wasn't done. "We can be anything you want us to be. I just want you. As long as you are happy that is what matters to me. It would be hard and there will be rules but what we have is unexpected and rare. The way we met tells me we are meant to be in each other's lives. How else can you explain our shared dreams?" He finally removed his finger.

"Jinnie, I'm...I think I am in love with you." Felix looked down shyly. "If you want to give us a try, I want that. I want YOU. However and for however long I have you, I want to be a part of your life."

Hyunjin put a finger on Felix's chin and pulled him closer. "I love you, Felix." he said just before their lips met. Hyunjin let the kiss slowly build, he wanted to show Felix how much he treasured him. He nibbled gently at Felix's lips and pulled him closer. Felix pulled away and Hyunjin looked at him curiously but a second later, Felix was sliding onto his lap, straddling his legs and he moved in to start the kiss this time. Felix pulled gently on his hair, trying to pull Hyunjin closer. Hyunjin's arms went around Felix and pulled him hard against him. His hands slid under the back of Felix's shirt and his fingers caressed the skin of his back. He could feel Felix growing hard against his belly just as he was under Felix's ass. Hyunjin pulled back and lifed Felix's shirt. Felix raised his arms, letting it be removed. "I don't know how far you are comfortable taking this, I'm not pushing. Say stop and I will." Hyunjin told him and Felix licked his lips and nodded. Very deliberately Felix rolled his hips and watched Hyunjin's eyes roll back, mouth parted in a gasp of enjoyment as the movement grinded Felix's against his cock. "Felix." He moaned.

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