The Infamous Egg Dream 23

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A/N Hello my lovelies! As always this story is fiction and does not represent any reality but that from my imagination. I do not know or own any of the Stray Kids, if I did, believe me I would spend my time laughing with Jisung and giving heart eyes for my favorite ships instead of writing. If you want to be alerted when I update follow _eyes_wideshut on twitter. This chapter is dedicated to all those who have left comments, particularly for the last few chapters. Those comments both here and on AO3 have warmed my heart and kept me wanting to update at a time when things have been hectic at home. You have no idea what a sweet comment can do for this writers soul. You make me smile and encourage me to write more than you know. You are all appreciated and loved. Also to the inspiration for this story, Stray Kids, who I hope will never see this (cause embarrassing), but if you wander across it one day; know that this Stay is so incredibly proud to be your fan. You guys work so hard and show us so much love and we adore you for it. My writings are only ever intended to show the love and respect I have for you guys and I hope that shows. Now read and enjoy.

JYP released press that they were going to have a special concert by Stray Kids including special guest Lee Felix Yongbok as a special one time concert put together by the guys to see if they should be allowed to add Felix. The news hit and the fans started going crazy by the time the tickets were put on sale, they all had no doubt they would sell out in record time. The group had been working so hard together, none harder than Felix who was determined. He spoke almost entirely in Korean to make sure that he was ready. Chan pulled Felix aside Sunday morning as they gathered for breakfast. "I want you to join me in Chan's room today." He said. "I want Stay to get a chance to get to know you one on one a little bit." Felix looked nervous but nodded.

"Ok, sure." He smiled at Chan. "Thanks hyung." Chan smiled and hugged him.

They headed to the rehearsal studio to practice. They had ironed out all the music and were now doing full rehearsals. It was going well, and Felix was fitting right in. They worked for hours every day to make sure everything would be perfect. Hyunjin took a few photos that included Felix and uploaded them into their instagram account. Felix looked healthier as time went by. Hyunjin had surprised him with matching rings. Felix beamed as he put his on. Hyunjin gave him a quick kiss and they moved apart to do various things.

That night when it was time for Felix to head to Chan's room for the live, he passed Jisung in the hallway. "You are on your way to get some food? Minho made dinner so it's actually good instead of just edible." The other man said as he peeled a hard boiled egg.

"I don't have time." Felix said. "Chan wanted me to join his live and it just started." His voice held longing and regret. He was starving. Jisung gave him a knowing look and laughed. He passed Felix one of the eggs he held.

"Here, at least it will give you some protein you can eat there until the live is over and you can grab dinner. I'll make sure some is saved for you Bokkie." Their sunshine beamed a smile at him.

"Thanks Hani. Gotta run." He gave a slight salute, put the egg in his hoodie pocket and headed to Chan's room.

Felix heard Chan speaking and knocked softly and peeked in. "Hey!" Chan said and waved him in. Felix grinned and came in. "Felix! My little Australian little brother!" Chan said affectionately and hugged Felix tightly. "I wanted Stay to have a chance to meet you."

"Hey Stay!" Felix said and pulled the egg out so it wouldn't get crushed. "Egg." He said in explanation.

Chan looked bemused. "Where'd you get an egg?"

"Oh I was on my way here and my friend gave me an egg and I was like cool, thanks!" Felix thought he was explaining but it really wasn't.

"A friend...just gave you an egg?" Chan said with a laugh.

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