Waking Dreams 2

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Hyunjin left the studio, exhausted from his struggle to get the lyrics sung just perfectly. Chan Hyung had been frustrated too but as always, he was encouraging and the best big brother anyone could ask for. Hyunjin could never get over how supportive and loving the Stray Kids family was. They really were a family. They meant everything to him, but in the dark of night; he still longed for more. He wanted someone to hold at night, his brothers all hugged but it wasn't the same. It wasn't what he wanted. He got back to their dorm and grabbed the bowl of rice and meat the other guys had left him. Judging by the look of the food, Jisung had been responsible for the cooking. He ate quickly while standing at the counter. At least the next day was a free one for him, he had accomplished everything he needed to do today and tomorrow. He was looking forward to a good night of sleep now that he had seemed to finally kick the flu he had been suffering from for several days. He knew the others were planning to work on the choreography for their new song, they were having trouble with a bridge between two sections.

He finished his food and washed his bowl and headed back to his room. He took a quick shower and let his muscles relax under the warm water or at least he intended it to be quick but the warm water felt so good he couldn't bring himself to get out. He leaned his head back a little and just let the water beat down over his head. He felt his shoulders loosen under the pressure but he swayed and realized he was beginning to drift off. Reluctantly, he got out and wrapped a towel around his waist. He eyed his blonde hair and his reflection. He had changed his hair color a couple days ago and thought he might like it, but he wasn't sure now though. He padded back to his room and pulled out a pair of shorts and a tee shirt to put on. After he dressed, he toweled his hair off and went back into the bathroom to neatly hang his towel. He climbed in his bed and pulled the covers up around him. He fell asleep quickly.

He looked around a strange room he didnt recognize at all. It was a small room with a single bed that had purple sheets. There was a small figure laying in them, small enough to make even this small bed look much larger than it was. "I'm sorry." Hyunjin said with a slight bow. "Who are you?" Hyunjin asked. The figure groaned and moved a bit before sitting up and rubbing at their eyes. Hyunjin froze. Even half asleep the figure on the bed was the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on. The features were quite androgynous so at first he couldn't tell the gender. Hyunjin cleared his throat nervously. "Where am I?" The elfin person blinked at him curiously. A beautiful smile broke across their face and he said something in English in a surprisingly deep voice with a thick accent that, if he recognized correctly, was Australian. Hyunjin raised his eyebrow curiously, wondering what he had said. "I'm sorry, I don't speak much English." He said in Korean.

"Hyunjin?" The other man said clearly and the man in question was startled by having his name come out of that beautiful mouth. A shiver went down his spine with pleasure at the way his name sounded coming from this man whose voice was surprisingly deep and didn't match the face that uttered it. The man appeared to be an enigma. Hyunjin was enchanted immediately. He finally realized he hadn't answered so with a slight blush that he had been staring, he nodded. "I'm Felix." The man said.

"Felix." Hyunjin repeated and the man's smile got bigger and he nodded. "Have we met?" He asked. Felix just looked curiously at him. Then he could practically see the light bulb go off over the man's head and he reached onto a table and grabbed his phone. Hyunjin watched as he scrolled through. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Korean?" The man asked. Hyunjin nodded. The man said something and then looked down at the phone. A robotic voice said "Hi, I'm Felix. It's good to see you again but I miss the pink hair already." Hyunjin reeled back and touched his hair self-consciously. Felix was smart too, Hyunjin wouldn't have thought of a translation app.

"When did you see the pink hair?" He asked. Felix looked at him curiously and held out his phone. He motioned how to use it. Hyunjin held the button and asked his question again. He listened to the question be repeated in English and he softly repeated it in English as well as he could. Felix's eyes sparkled with happiness as they had found a way to communicate. He rapidly took the phone back from Hyunjin's hand, their fingers brushing and giving him a shock.He could tell the other man was just as affected by the casual touch. The man chattered happily and Hyunjin listened for the response.

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