Reassuring Dreams 28

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A/N I know it has been awhile. I honestly haven't known where to take this story and to be real, I still don't know but I finally just decided to write anyway. This is what turned out. I hope you like it. This story is fiction and I do not know or own the people written about here unless otherwise stated at the time. Any resemblance to reality is coincidental. If you like what I write please let me know. If you wish to be alerted when I update this or any of my other stories, you can follow _eyes_wideshut on twitter. I only cross post here and on AO3 so if you see my work elsewhere please let me know. Prior permission is required to use my writing or post it anywhere else and to date I have only given one person permission to use any of my stories (Makirasan) because we have discussed it. Though she has open permission to use any of my writings for what we have discussed. I love you girl! Ok now go enjoy!

Felix stood in the recording studio fighting a horrible headache as he sang the line again and listened for instructions. He could see Chris, Binnie and Jisung talking. Finally Chris turned on the mic. "It was good Lix-ah, can you give it a bit of umph on the end?" He demonstrated the tone and inflection.

Felix's shoulder sank a bit in dejection but he nodded and put back on the earphones. It took three more tries before Chris released him to go home, finally having what they needed. He grabbed his stuff and with a tired and dejected wave headed out the door.

"Lix-ah! Wait up." His hyung's voice came from behind him. Felix turned and Changbin threw an arm around his shoulder. "You headed down to get Hyunjin before you head home?" The other man asked with a smile. Felix nodded tiredly and Changbin's smile fell off a bit. "Are you feeling ok today Bokkie?"

"Headache." Felix answered. "I'm just tired."

"Felix, you did good today." His hyung said as they reached the rehearsal floor. Felix sighed sadly.

"No I didn't. I kept messing up." Felix said dejectedly. They reached the door and Changbin grabbed his arm, stopping him from going through and turning Felix to face him.

"Bokkie," Binnie said softly and touched Felix's cheek gently. "You didn't mess up at all. Sometimes it just takes a bit to get the sound we hear in our heads out and match it. You are a talented singer. You are doing amazing, not just at the singing but the dancing and the language. We had years of training and it still took us years after debut to get to our level. You are jumping in feet first without the training and meeting us at our level. Don't doubt yourself. You have a lot to give and so much talent. You just have to believe in yourself. We all believe in you. We are all so proud of you."

Felix met his sincere eyes and his own teared up a little. "Thank you Binnie Hyung. I needed to hear that."

Changbin smiled and then realized Hyunjin was leaning against the open door having heard the conversation. His eyes were narrowed in on Changbin's hand caressing Felix's cheek and his jaw twitched as it was clenched in anger. Changbin raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Head home with Hyunjin and take something for that headache, Yongbokkie." Changbin finally said.

Felix realized his boyfriend had joined them and turned with a tired smile. He noticed the fierce look but it changed to a gentle smile as soon as Felix met his eyes. "Hey, Jinnie."

"Hello, Angel." Hyunjin said with a gentle smile and touched Felix's neck. "Your head hurting you baby?"

Felix nodded. "Yeah a bit of a headache."

"Let's get you home, my angel and we can hopefully get you feeling better." He put his arm around Felix and shot another look at Changbin who just grinned unworriedly and wandered back toward the studio.

When they got back to the dorms, Hyunjin helped Felix get some medicine and then tucked in bed, telling him to take a nap until the headache was gone. Felix immediately flopped onto his stomach. Hyunjin shut off the lights and gently straddled Felix's hips, running his hands over the neck and shoulders muscles, loosening them one at a time. Felix let out pained moans as the muscles hurt and then relented and relaxed. The moans grew less like pained sounds and more sounds of happiness and the pleasure of relaxation. He then ran his thumbs up Felix's spine with an outward motion. Felix sagged and began sleep mumbling as he drifted to sleep. Hyunjin gave a soft smile. "Love you, my Sunshine." Hyunjin whispered and finally lay beside and curled around Felix, holding him gently and kissing his cheek. Felix snuggled under his chin, nosing at his neck the way he seemed to when he needed the comfort of Hyunjin's smell. Jinnie didn't think Felix even realized he did it, and Hyunjin found it just as adorable as everything Felix did.

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