Chapter 08

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Hamza's pov:

Rumi is in her last trimester. She's literally doing the countdown. Seeing her happy after a long time ,being excited, searching for baby names even though she isn't satisfied and Ya Allah her tantrums, I'm just used to all of this now, it's hard in a way especially her food cravings when she's telling me to make her kebab and kofta at 2am in the night but she's my sweet little wife and we are literally living in a happy, my wife and my child. The only fear I have is that if this bubble breaks..when my past and my lies come in front of her.

What I did is unacceptable and I'm really guilty. I know I've to tell the truth to Rumi one day. But call me a coward but I just can't tell her because I know she will leave me. But my guilty conscience is also nagging me whenever I think I'm happy the way it is now.

I'm on my way to Azeem's office. These days I go there often. Since I've decided to redeem myself I thought I would start from there. And Azeem being a great guy..even if he didn't like my visits and trust my intentions at first, he's now getting used to me again. I hope atleast he knows my real niyyat..and help me even if I don't deserve it.

Hamna's pov:

When I went to Azeem's office to drop his lunch. He was having a meeting so I didn't wait for him and left. Actually this wasn't necessary , he himself told me not to trouble myself by bringing his lunch and trying to do the wifely duties his ammi is expecting from me. But he doesn't know that only by this way I can somehow reduce the guilt little by little.
Last few days we didn't fight, more like we are trying to have a conversation like before but I know it's difficult.

He is the one who's defending me against ammi. By this time I wanted to say Azeem that I'm ready to have a child but that will be too cowardly for me. I honestly don't know how it is. It's like when I'm looking forward I see nothing neither Azeem nor Rumi.

Rumi was always carefree, she always make jokes when I'm down. It made me wonder if she can understand if I tell her. I knew it was her way to cheer me but it sometimes made me feel, she would never understand what I'm going through. But maybe because I knew what I'm doing is wrong and telling my younger sister about my mistake wasn't there in me. But this is how much it's messed up. When she comes to know her own sister hid a big lie from her, how broken would she be. I didn't want that just like Hamza.

Third person's pov:

Alishba had enough proofs to show Rumi about her husband and her sister's affair. The whole college knew about it. They were the star couple and everyone knew how much possessive hamza was of hamna. She couldn't figure how much more dense Rumi is ,ignoring what is infront of her eyes. Her own husband and sister. The day she comes to know ,she will break like how she broke when Hamza married. For her whole life she thought Hamza is her destined one. He didn't show much interest but she knew they would get married in the end and he would finally understand her true love and love her back. For her it was only him. But he married someone who he didn't even know just for his revenge. He didn't know that decision broke 3 girls' hearts. She felt lyk drowning, felt her existence meaningless. How much she hated how he acted as if he loved Rumi. Only she knew he was acting.

After a longg update..people pls do share your ideas..idk hw to bring d plot forward..if this good do tell me that too..thankyou😊❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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