Chapter 9 - Obstacle

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As I left, I get a phone call.

It was from Mr.Umbers, my boss.

"Shit.." I curse to myself.

I quickly hurried to my dorm before answering the call, closing my door.

"Hello, Mr.Umbers" I say calmly, even though I knew what he was calling me about.

"Hello, Shantelle. Can you talk right now?"

"Yes." I answer.

"Well great. I want to ask you about the mission. How is it going?"

Crap, I knew it.

Do I tell him the truth, do I lie? Or do I tell him a half truth?

"It's going a little worse than expected. I can't seem to get alone with him." I tell him a half truth.

Cause, well it's not going very well. But ive had many chances with him alone.

But I literally cannot tell him the actual truth.

"Yes.. Because I have noticed you have really been taking your time. You normally get it done within a few hours but its been a week now." He explains.

"Yes, I am so sorry it has been a little difficult." I say.

"Do you need backup?" I almost choke.

"Excuse me? Why would I need backup?" Even though I was slighty irritated that he asked such a question, i tried remaining professional.

"Its been a while, and I would rather the job be done sooner than later."

I sigh "Fine. Backup would be nice."

But to be honest,

Backup would just be more stressful.

"Alright. Please meet-up here in my office tomorrow morning. I will send a taxi for you."

"Thank you. See you then." I say then hang up.

Oh my god, how will I survive this?

Metaphorically, obviously.


I was now standing in front of his office.

I lightly knock and hear a "Come in!" assuming its Mr.Umbers.

I open the door to see a Mr.Umbers in his chair and a boy sitting on the other side.

The spins around and stands up.

"This is Kai Woods. He will accomodate you on your mission." Mr.Umbers speaks up.

"Its nice to meet you Shantelle." He reaches his hand out and I shake it.

The first thing I noticed was his deep voice, dark hair and monolids. He was mysterious.

"Same to you." I speak.

"Please take a seat, both of you." Says Mr.Umbers.

I take the seat next to Kai.

"Now, you both probably have some questions for eachother. I may leave for the both of you to talk." He explains and leaves the room, closing the door.

"Why do you need backup?" Kai speaks up.

"Well.. uhm.." I struggle to find words.

"Aren't you a level 9? You normally assassinate them quite quickly. What's different this time?"

"That's three questions." I answer.

"Just.. answer them." He says, seriously.

"Well, the boy is popular and I havent gotten a single chance to get alone with him." I try to sound convincing.

"Interesting.." He says, interlocking his hands together.

"Can I start asking the questions?" I ask and he replies with a nod.

"What level are you?" The most important question out of the way.

"Level 12."

I almost choke at his answer.

"Isn't that.. the max? If you are a level 12.. shouldnt you be working for the FBI? The goverment?"

"My family has connections to this buisness. It was obviously that I was going to work here."

"Alright." I answer.

"Where are you from?" I ask.

"South Korea." He answers quickly, as if he knew I was going to ask that.

"Do you have any questions for me?" I ask, unsure.

He just shakes his head.

"Are you sure you arent a robot?" It was stupid, but I needed to know who made this perfect human being.

And he chuckles?

It was kinda cute.

"No, I assure you that I am human."

I look at the clock.

"Oh, I think we should get going."

He nods.

End of Chapter 9 - Obstacle


A little shorter chapter for yall

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