Chapter 8 - Tension

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Ugh.. I had such a headache from yesterday.

I get up and get ready for school.



Finally, it was lunch.

I was walking down the hallway when a girl grabs me out of nowhere.

She looked angry.

"Hey! Danielle, was it?" she seemed very aggressive.

I easily remained calm " Yes, thats me. Is there a problem?"

Then I realised that she was the host of that party yesterday. She was the popular girl.

Pretty long blonde hair in a loose ponytail and blue eyes.

It was obvious why she was popular.

Her name was Evelyn Hunter. She is also quite wealthy.

"I advise you stay away from Jaxon!" she was.. yelling?

"Look, if this is about the party, i didn't have a choice. It was a dare."

"I don't care!" Now she was really yelling, it had caught the attention of some students passing by.

And before I knew it, a fight broke out.

I never knew that some pretty popular girl could throw some punches.

Cause damn, I was left with some bruises.

But she had it worse. She was barely breathing by the end.

I hope Im not expelled after that, well a lot of students did watch. Atleast they saw that she threw the first punch.

I didn't eat lunch, I just went back to my locker to get an ice-pack. I was prepared for anything.

But then, I saw him.


He pinned me against the wall and screamed "Who did this to you?"

I stayed quiet, I didn't want there to be more drama than necessary.

But I was also terribly confused.

Why did he care?

"I won't ask again.. Who did this to you?" he still yelled.

But I just turned away from him, trying to hide my tears.

He took his hand to my chin, making me face him again.

Crap, there were people watching.

Evelyn would kill me if she saw this.

I was trembling, I really was.

I felt him sigh, before leading me to his dorm.


I sat down on his bed before I saw him walking to his bathroom.

And he came back with a glass of water for me.

Why is he so sweet? And why to me of all people?

I gulped down the water and he sat down next to me.

"Look, its okay. You can take your time."

At this point, this boy had me hypnotized.

I hugged him, I felt safe in his arms.

I was so stupid, but he hugged me back.

Everything was fine for a few minutes.

But I quickly snapped myself back to reality.

I stood up and backed up.


I saw my tears in his t-shirt.

"Did I... do that?" I asked, pointing to his chest.

He just gave me a small nod.

"Crap, fuck, shit... this wasnt supposed to happen." I cursed.

"That's fine, i guess." He said, unsure.

Do I trust him?

Do I tell him about the fight?

I sat down carefully next to him still trying to keep a distance, we were still enemies after all..

Or were we?

I sigh. "Evelyn.."

"Evelyn Hunter."

I looked up to see his face, to see him.. angry?

"Of course It was" he mumbled under his breath.

He stood up, looking like he was about to leave.

But my reflexes were..faster.

I knew what he was about to do so..

I grabbed him by his shoulders and pushed him against the wall.

"Whatever you were going to do, dont." I said seriously with a blank expression.

"You look cute when you are serious."

Wow.. as if he just never took me seriously.

I watched as he licks his lips.


"Do you just never take me serious? I could kill you in a second if I really wanted to." I told him, trying to make him take me a little more serious.


"Excuse you? What do you mean no?"

Crap we were close..

He leaned a little more down and a little more closer, just enough so I could feel his breath.

"Just, no. I won't take you seriously."

"I could kill you right n-"

"Yeah. But I know you can't."


But I knew he was right.

I can't kill him.

But It wasn't because, i wasnt skilled enough.

Then, what could it be?

The tension was way too much, I backed away.

"What happened to the 'kill eachother" thing?" I told him sarcastically and left quickly.

I had to take a breather.

I was walking to my dorm as I get a phonecall..

End of Chapter 8 - Tension


Okay now this is getting interesting.. don't you think?

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