Insecure..? Jason x reader

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You and Jason had a picnic earlier this morning, you felt as though you ate way more than you should've.
Recently you've been feeling down about yourself. Jason was out, killing teenagers and shit.
You look up into the mirror, looking at your body. Your hands find themselves on your stomach, tugging at it.  Tears well in your eyes as your hands move to your legs, Pulling at the skin and seeing how far it stretches.
'How does he even like me? I'm so.. ew..  ' you think
You jump as the door slams open, Jason stomps in, Waving at you before he realizes you were crying. He runs over to you panicking, he engulfs  you in a hug before pulling out his Note pad and asking why you were upset. " Jason, I'm so fat, How could you possibly like me?" Jason shakes his head immediately he gets onto his knees, pressing kisses to your body. 'you're beautiful y/n, I couldn't imagine loving anyone else. "
You smile as you look at the note wiping away your tears with your sleeve. He leads you over to the bed where he lays you down before crawling in next to you, laying his head down on your stomach. He savors your warmth before taking his mask off and falling asleep on you.

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