Bubba Sawyer HC

604 13 7

-There's something about summer that gets him so happy! He especially loves seeing you in smaller clothing.
-He steals summery clothes from "guests" to give to you, a lot of them are super comfortable.
-He's used to the Texas heat, but he worries about you all the time with it!
-Likes to play in a little kiddie pool, cause he can.
-He loves to cook, but you stop him cause the kitchen gets wayyy too hot. You guys have a lot of grilled dinners.
-cherishes every little moment he has with you.
-Lets you wear his shirts, cause it's cute to him.
-He loves when you touch his hair.
-happy stims when you're around.
-fidgets and picks at his hands so,he has some scaring there.

-He likes to write love notes for you.
-He would give you little bone trinkets!
-After "hunting" he likes to take a long nap with you.
-He likes to touch your face, he thinks your face is So interesting to look at.
-Enjoys cuddles while he's not doing anything

-He puts his hair up if he gets too warm, it looks so good.
-He gives you his clothes as summer clothes because they're
big on you.
-very sweaty in the hot Texas heat.
-Scared for your well being in the heat, he won't let you go outside.
-One of his favorite activities with you is star gazing
-He really likes when you play with his hands.
-He likes to draw you. He can only draw messy stick figures though
-He's very large compared to you, so he gets nervous when he hugs you or takes a nap with you.
-He gets mask rash sometimes, so he's itchy a lot
-often a very tired man
-Your hands and body in general interest him so much, he's just so infatuated with you.
-can get startled easily, it starts up his fight or flight mode...he always chooses fight
-he loves dogs! Cats are a little weird to him.
-Give that man any form of kiss and he'll be so flustered

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