How they would sleep:

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If you can get this man to sleep, credits to you. He refuses to sleep, it fucks with his 'Job'. But there are moments when he becomes literally EXHAUSTED then he'll force you to sleep with him. He doesn't care how y'all sleep as long as he's big spoon.


He'd want you just to lay next to him.  Sometimes he'll drag you on top of him and rest his chin on the top of your head. Often just lays there unless you find a way to get him to sleep.

He's so sweet, he doesn't care how you guys sleep as long as he can cuddle right up into you.  He softly snores in his sleep, Wich you find absolutely ADORABLE.

He would sleep in a separate bed than you too keep his mom calm but when he has nightmares he sneaks in your room and lays on your chest. When you have nightmares, he let you sneak into his room, but he has to stay a wake a bit to calm you AND Norma down.  But Norma likes you so it doesn't take that long.

Tbh he just loves you too an extreme, he'll break into your house JUST to lay next to you in bed.  "Billy what the fuck are you doing here it's 2 am." "Let me sleep with you." " No, I'll get the pull out bed. " "Quit struggling, this is fine"

He lays on top of you. He's like one of those huge dogs that think it's a lap dog, but no one has the soul to say it's not. He's like a human blanket.

This man, is weird AF when it comes to sleeping, he'll sleep upside down, like a bat on top of the roof of the sewer. He says he gets a great view up there.

Loves it when he's big spoon, he's like a massive pillow. You love laying on his chest.

You sleep in separate rooms. There's no bargaining. You have a nightmare? Stay in your own god-damned room y/n.

Chucky : you got him a baby bed for when he wants to sleep by himself. Originally threw a fit about it, but after trying it out actually liked it.

Tbh she just sleeps, it depends on what mood you catch her in really.  If she's in a touchy-feely mood she'll wrap her arms around your waist and pull you as close to her as possible.

Major little spoon simp. It makes you feel like a backpack bc of how tall he is, but he loves it so it doesn't matter.


He loves to lay his head on your chest. Or your stomach, legs, ass, tbh he just loves to be on you.

(That's what he said)

She's absolutely fantastic, she'll curl up into you and wrap her arms around you and intertwine her legs with yours.

Has PTSD, so she often has nightmares and sleeps with you

REFUSES to let you sleep with her. She's afraid that if Freddy comes back and your next to her she might accidentally drag you in with her and get you hurt or killed.

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