Late nights Jason x reader

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A girl runs through the woods,  The trees blur together around her .Tripping over a root  she slips and falls. A shadow looms over her before a machete is shoved through her head. "You got her! Yay!" Jason looks up and finds Miles, your five year old son in the tree above him. Jason smiles before extending his arms up to him. Miles jumps into his arms and quickly wraps his arms around his dad's neck. Jason squats down and sets miles down, Extending a finger for the child to hold. "Mommy's almost done with dinner, Her and cal are making Chicken Florentine!"
Jason nods and leads miles towards your cabin, he can smell the fragrance of  dinner throughout the camp. He opens the door and Miles runs into the cabin immediately finding you and tugging on your apron "Mamma! Daddy's back!" You  take your apron off and wash your hands.  You set the dish to the side, Jason walks up to you and wraps his arms around your waste, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before letting you finish setting up the table for dinner.  Calpurnia, your 14 year old daughter brings out a plate of muffins and sets them in the middle of the table.  You set down the the plates before filling them. "No deserts until after dinner" you scolded Jason, catching him in the act of grabbing a muffin off the tray.
He sits miles in his chair, A couple books under him so he can reach the table.  "Cal? Are you going to sit down? " You ask your daughter, she was in a daze, staring out the window. "Yeah, sorry" she sits down and you began to eat

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