hyping him up ig

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[10:41 AM]

bootycheeks: i need massive help rn

goofy ahh: with wht?

bootycheeks: atsushi said he was gonna fight that one short ass kid in my grade i forgot his name

goofy ahh: nakahara chuuya??

bootycheeks: yeah

women only <3: wait why is atsushi gonna fight him??

bootycheeks: cuz chibi told him that he was gonna forcibly make him eat a snail if he doesnt fight him.

ayudame: chibi?

bootycheeks: shut ur bitchass up

women only <3: A SNAIL? UR JOKING RN RIGHT?

bootycheeks: i wish i was tbh

[11:04 AM]

furry: i cantn do this anymore

i <3 cows: atsushi got hit in the head with a snail

baby hazel: Why did he get hit in the head with a snail?

i <3 cows: because that one short guy threw it at him as a warning


furry: have u seen his friends?? they look like disney villains and it scares me

goofy ahh: bro u should just fight him i promise u that we'll hold his friends back

women only <3: yeah we'll hold them back we promise

bootycheeks: i swear on my life i will hold them back

furry: swear on smthing else cuz we all know ur suicidal.

bootycheeks: im not swearing on anything else

physically unstable: i hope that short guy dies in a fire

form of torture: isnt he ginger?

baby hazel: I will inform this to Fukuzawa if it becomes a bigger problem.

goofy ahh: if u tell this to my dad i will start shitting on the tables again

bootycheeks: AGIAN?

goofy ahh: yeah. again.

women only <3: anyways. u should honestly fight him and if he tries to get his friends to jump u we'll jump him.

ayudame: wheres the fight gonna be?

furry: in the cafeteria.

physically unstable: everyones gonna see it tho

bootycheeks: dw the principal wont do shit i just know it

goofy ahh: hit him with a snail in the back of his head

i <3 cows: if im being completely honest i think chuuya is really cool!

furry: shut up kenji he threw a snail at me.

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