idk what to call this

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I ALWAYS HATED AND WAS AFRAID OF THAT BEAR IT WAS SO URGHHHH i barely have any motivation to do these anymore im rlly trying u guys i srsly am. i have an essay due THIS friday and ive barely gotten to the ending.

[6:32 PM]

mori slander: @pp has informed me that Chuuya Nakahara got into a fight with Kunikida Doppo

pp: fukuzawa theres no need to be so formal 😊

mori slander: Shut up the fuck up.

pp: whatever u say fukuzawa <33

smarter than u: does uh mori have a crush on my dad?

#1 man seducer: no hes like that to everyone

smarter than u: good cuz his daughter scares the actual shit out of me.


chibi <3: i dont have a mom or a dad nvm

#1 man seducer: u have kouyou dont u??


[9:06 PM]

chibi <3: how tf do i use paint 3d i dont have a fucking apple pen or whatever the fuck its called

rashoumean: its rlly easy for me

chibi <3: cuz ur good at drawing on anything

furry: i saw him draw on a napkin once and it came out amazing

rashoumean: oh.

rashoumean: weird. stop complimenting me. im not used to it.

chibi <3: akutagawa

chibi <3: ill compliment u everyday.

rashoumean: sweating chairs rn

#1 man seducer: CHAIRS!?!?!

rashoumean: u heard me dazai.

rashoumean: sweating chairs.

rashoumean: chairs in bold

chibi <3: LMAO

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