wroye this at 7:59 AM

889 20 3

this is so random why did i make this im basically high on air rn also to past me: i tried to finish this at 1 in the morning but i fell asleep and continued it at 7:59 AM

[7:59 AM]

#1 man seducer: god i feel so bad for punching a little kid

chibi <3: WHAT

#1 man seducer: they approached me and i felt threatened so i punched them

lives in a futon: thats rlly gay

#1 man seducer: WDYM 🤬🤬🤬

DOPPO: He's just saying the truth.


DOPPO: Do not bring my sexuality into this.

rashoumean: my in bold

furry: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

women only <3: i feel like there r little bugs crawling inside my spine rn

chibi <3: u get that feeling too?

women only <3: yea

chibi <3: ur my bestest friend ever now

women only <3: 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

#1 man seducer: @cheese haters dni get online we need to talk abt u flirting w chuuya

cheese haters dni: SHUT UP THAT WAD A LONG TIME AGO 🤬🤬🤬🤬

chibi <3: fyodor was fighting homosexuality at that time 😔😔😔

niko: WHAT💀

sigma male: man how come im the only single one

invisibility cloak irl: hi sorry for not texting

sigma male: man how come me and karma are the only single ones

invisibility cloak irl: oh

niko: KARMA <33333

invisibility cloak irl: hi 😊

i <3 cows: hi karma 🤗

invisibility cloak irl: hi kenji!

niko: my son finally has friends 😭😭

cheese haters dni: my wish came true 🥺🥺🥺

i <3 cows: live laugh love cows

invisibility cloak irl: thank you kenji

i <3 cows: yw

chibi <3: 😨

rashoumean: 😨

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