back of spencers

794 16 11

i played ensemble stars and i felt like giving up on my life 😭 btw im not gonna be publishing any hs chapters for a while, butt ill still be doing them and i WILL publish them once im all done w it <3

[7:28 PM]

#1 man seducer: @DOPPO


#1 man seducer: what if someone said that they were holding ur loved one hostage and if u dont give them 200 dollars they will kill them


DOPPO: I wouldn't give them the money and would just come up with a bigger threat.

#1 man seducer: alright thanks

DOPPO: is this happening to you and atsushi rn?

#1 man seducer: possibly

DOPPO: Who's the person being targeted?

#1 man seducer: chuuya

DOPPO: I just saw him with Ozaki Kouyou.

#1 man seducer: WHAT.

chibi <3: u actually fell for that stupid ass scam?

#1 man seducer: YEAH CUZ ITS U CHIBI

chibi <3: WDYM BY THAT

beast beneath the sheets: jelp akutagawa got separated from me while we were at the mall

rashoumean: please help this stupid nasty old woman is trying to talk to me

chibi <3: dont be so rude ryu

chibi <3: whats she saying to u?

rashoumean: "are you alright? did you get separated from your girlfriend?"

women only <3: BAHAHAH "did you get separated from your girlfriend?"

smarter than u: IMAGINEEE

rashoumean: stupid dumb ass jinko where tf r u

beast beneath the sheets: WHERE R U?!

rashoumean: the back of spencers.

beast beneath the sheets: what.

niko: can u get me smthing? 🥺🥺🥺🥺

sigma male: dont they have dick gummies in the back of there?

rashoumean: yeah i see some

rashoumean: do u want some?

sigma male: nty im good <3


rashoumean: alright

cheese haters dni: 🥰

i <3 cows: back of spencers?

i <3 cows: that sounds fun 😊😊

book opener: its not um fun

book opener: its filled with really bad and and scary things (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

i <3 cows: oh.

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