i 😈

751 18 4

BWAHAHHA I DIDNT SEE IT AT FIRST BUT TYSM FOR 4K READS 😭😭😭 ILY ALL btw im gonna edit the guild names cuz 🧔‍♀️

[2:37 AM]

#1 man seducer: haruno and naomi burned down my house

chibi <3: 💀

sigma male: FR???

niko: i saw it all

smarter than u: i ate too many eggs

women only <3: hes lying and hes high cuz i saw this mf eating a whole ass octopus

chibi <3: i love men

TBHK ENJOYER: r we going to dismiss the fact that haruno AND naomi burned down dazais house?

does community service: yeah

TBHK ENJOYER: alright 😁

asshole burner: my mama packed my lunch today

has a gay brother: u dont have a mom tho

beast beneath the sheets: and its sunday

rashoumean: bro i swear on my life im going to jump off a bridge if this ugly ass old lady doesnt stop talking to me

rashoumean: she looks like atsushi but female and her hips look like squares

chibi <3: whats she telling u??

rashoumean: "hey good sir will you show me where the nearest train station is? im in a hurry to see my grandson"

chibi <3: ryu.. just show her where it is..

rashoumean: fuck no

#1 man seducer: thats not very nice of u akutagawa

rashoumean: stfu dazai i bet u would run away if u saw this old ass woman

#1 man seducer: 😶

#1 mom: thats a great idea akutagawa

rashoumean: what

has a gay brother: shes telling u to run away

rashoumean: ive tried. everytime i think ive gotten away i see her around the corner.

cheese haters dni: r u wearing ur glasses?

rashoumean: no i forgot them at home

#1 man seducer: thats why u see her at every corner 😭

beast beneath the sheets: akutagawa is rlly dumb tbh 🤗

rashoumean: u CANNOT be talking

rashoumean: last i heard u got an F in math

beast beneath the sheets: FALSE. WHO TOLD U THAT?!

rashoumean: kyouka

has a gay brother: 😈

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