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I sat down ignoring everyone around me and grabbed my stuff out from my bag and started copying what I had to write down. All of a sudden a paper ball hits the back of my head, I turn around and tell Robin "i swear to god throw it again and I will break every bone in your body" I said nearly shouting it. I turned back around and a few seconds later he threw another one."your dead" I shout at him while standing up out of the my chair.



I threw another paper ball at the back of y/n's head and she turned around while standing up saying"your dead"she was about to hit start until our teacher yelled "MISS THOMPSON SIT DOWN NOW!! THATS A DETENTION. YOU DO NOT THREATEN ANOTHER STUDENT" .

I really couldn't hold it in I bursted out laughing knowing that y/n got a detention because she was reacting to me.

"Oh is there something you find amusing? We'll I guess you will be joining y/n in detention"

Oh for god sake. I can not last 1 hour with that bitch. I slouched in my chair and kicked the back of hers while mumbling "bitch" she flipped me off without turning around.


he is the biggest asshole ever. I can't do detention I'd rather bury myself in a hole and disintegrate. I rolled my eyes and just finished the lesson. Finally the bell rang!!!

I packed my bag and started to walk out and make my way to lunch. Most of my lunch time I was playing baseball in the pitch but then I decided to come inside the cafeteria.


"And now we have a ducking detention, that bitch" I said slamming my head into my hands. Gwen and finney just laughed at me. I looked so confused "look I don't know her but after she helped Gwen I couldn't thank her enough so she seems like a good person" fin answered taking a bite out of his sandwich. I rolled my eyes and just sat there until I saw y/n come in.


I walked in and seen finney, Gwen and Robin all staring at me. I just waved at Gwen and she for some reason got really excited.

I walked to this area in the cafeteria it was a corner full of all of the sport supplies, I placed my bat down and started to take off my gloves. All of a sudden a hear a bunch of whistles come from behind me. I turn around to see Vance and a bunch of other weirdos with him.

Kill me.

"Hey wassup hottie" Vance said while eyeing me up and down. I could see everyone staring at me. "what do you want?" I asked while unstrapping my gloves. He put his hand on my hands and said "would you like to go on a date with me sexy girl" oh my god I can't even look at him but I'll play along.


I could see Vance asking Y/n on a date. To be honest what was he thinking to even try with y/n she is a Twat.


"Oh my god of course Vance" I said in a sweet sarcastic tone. He gave me the most cheesiest grin ever. I feel sick."really?!" I dropped my smile and answered "no you dumb fuck I would rather shove my head down a toilet and smack the lid shut" I say while walking of going back outside. I sat on this brick wall and honestly it was really peaceful.

""no you dumb fuck I would rather shove my head down a toilet and smack the lid shut" y/n spat out at Vance. Everyone laughed at Vance being stood up. "gosh I wish I was y/n she is badass" I say while looking up dreamy. Robin laughs and shakes his head "Gwen you be like her I will never speak to u again" I rolled my eyes " I'm gonna go find her".


"Your not going alone in coming" I said while standing up looking at Robin, "ye no" he said with a disgusted look plastered his face.I shrugged and began to walk off.  We made I'll sway outside and seen y/n.


I was listening to music until someone tapped my shoulder, I looked up to see Gwen. To be fair I hate people and I like being alone but for some reason Gwen felt different it was like she was my holder up and just my little hype man. I know that sounds weird but it's true. I took my head phones out and looked at her with a concerned look.

"How's your knuckles ?" She asked while pointing to my hand, I hid them in my pocket. I just shrugged at her and replied with "fine I guess". She explained to me that I didn't have to help her but I really don't care. As Gwen carries on to ramble Robin comes out. "Ew it's the moron" he said to me trying to piss me off, it worked. "Dick sucker" I replied" shithead" and trust me it just kept going. "STOP!" Fin yelled. I rolled my eyes, " can I help you guys why are you near me?" I said trying to make them leave.

"I just wanted you to know I think your amazing and badass and I want to be like you one day!"she says all smiley and happy. I don't know why but it pissed me off, I hate everything about me and she is perfect. I jumped of the wall I was sat on and said " no you don't my life's shit and I have nothing so quit the fan behaviour " I pushed pass robins and made my way inside.


I knew as soon as Y/n said that Gwen was gonna be upset, I looked down at her and her eyes started watering"Gwen don't cry, what she just said was rude ignore her" I wiped her tears. She nodded. Robin agreed with me which was no surprise.

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