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Y/n's POV

it's friday now. robin has been trying to come round every day but my dad won't let him because he is trying to prove he can take care of me. but he still climbs through my window every night to see me and stays with me still i fall asleep.

my alarm began buzzing in my ear. fuck my life. i smacked it shut looking down at my cast frowning at his sight. i hate this stupid ass thing. so itchy.

this is my first day going back to school since i escaped and i'm not excited. well kinda i'm not really sure to be honest.

i got out of get a chose to wear something cozy as it's getting to winter times.
\/ \/

(idc if it isn't like the right style for the year😭)

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(idc if it isn't like the right style for the year😭)

i walked downstairs and went over to the kitchen cabinet to take all of my provided pills to help me get better and less sore. i was constantly getting headache and i hated it, every time i moved quick my head would pound.

"morning sweetheart, you okay?" my dad asked while coming in to get a coffee.

i nodded not feeling like talking.

that's when i heard those loud ass footsteps coming downstairs and of course it was dylan "yo y/n need me to walk you home from school today?"he asked while grabbing a chocolate bar from the cabinet.

i shook my head "no it's okay i'm probably staying over robins tonight." which was true.

it was now time to leave so me and dylan made our way outside and half way there i met robin at our usual meeting corner.

he was wearing his normal blue jeans with a white tank top and black jacket with his bandana.

he smiled at me as dylan pulled his headphone in and skated away to his friends.

"hey beautiful" he said wrapping his arm around me and his my forehead then my lips.

he knew about the headaches so he said his magic forehead kisses makes them feel less painful. now don't get me wrong it sounds stupid but it kinda worked.

"hi" i said quietly still because of my headache and kept my head down.

"hey are you alright or is it just still headaches?" he asked lifting my chin up with his finger to make me look at him. i nodded at him with a light smile. which he returned as we made our way to school.

fuck i'm nervous.

me and robin walked in with his arm still around me, which got a lot of glances from people.

and a bunch of whispers..
"are they together now?"
"omg she is back!"
"she killed a man!!"
"she looks different"
"is that a cast?"

i just kept my head down until robin whispered "ignore them." and that's when i felt a bunch of butterflies.

𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞..//𝚛𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝙰𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚘 𝚡 𝚢/𝚗//Where stories live. Discover now