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TW:: abuse!!!!!!!!!!!!⚠️⚠️⚠️


Im really not gonna last a whole hour with that moron, someone just shoot me now. I walked into the detention room to see my "favourite " teacher. I don't like Him and he hates me so I like to joke around with him, I've had him twice on my first day. "Welcome to de- oh it's you. Make your way to your seat please y/n" the teacher stated in a rude tone. Asshole."hello sir it's a pleasure to see you, I'm glad we get a whole hour to talk to each other" I said knowing it's pissing him off while walking to my seat. I seen Robin glaring at me from the other side of the room.

I literally am gonna fall asleep. I sighed while sitting up bringing my head out of my hands, I look over at Robin who is already staring at me, I just wave at him sarcastically. He rolls his eyes and looks out the window. I raise my hand from boredom so I can have a lovely chat with my teacher. He sighed and nodded at me,"sir has anyone ever told you how shiny your head is? It's beautiful!" I said while smiling at him (trying to piss him off more and more). "Oh really? My own wife never tells me that anymore" he says in a sad tone looking down at the papers he is marking. I start to smirk and laugh to myself while crossing my arms and looking away at the wall.


"sir has anyone ever told you how shiny your head is? It's beautiful!" Y/n said to the teacher, I turned my head to look at her she was to focussed on the teacher."Oh really? My own wife never tells me that anymore"our teacher replied. I can't lie it was very funny. Not y/n!! The teachers reaction. Gosh y/n is so annoying for no reason.


Omg finally it felt like it had been a year in that room, I grabbed my bag and headed out before they could try and speak to me. I seen Robin walking home and for a minute I thought he was following me, but nope the dickhead lives 6 houses away from me. SHIT, I didn't tell my dad or Dylan I had a detention so now I'm late home. I slowly and quietly tried creeping In but it was too late my dad was standing near the sofa with a bear in one hand and a belt in the other."YOU LITTLE SHIT , YOUR LATE AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!" He slurred out of his mouth, this was gonna hurt like hell.

It had been 15 minutes and I couldn't move,it was none stop beating my face and body was full of deap sore cuts and bruises. I tried to get up but my bored winced in pain and I fell back. I knew Dylan couldn't help because he would have to go through what I did, I finally after a while made my way up to my bathroom and washed of the blood and cleaned my wounds. It hurt like a bitch. I finally hit the pillow and within minutes fell asleep. I finally woke up at 7:30 I leave my house at 8 so it was fine I guess. I got ready and made some breakfast and made my to school. I was in acne with my body.

As I walked to school I could see a lot of eyes on me which is no surprise from the fact I have cuts and bruises everywhere. I made my way in to the school with Dylan and for some reason he offered to walk me to my locker, strange but whatever."if anything happens you tell me okay?"he said to me with a worried look,I just nodded because my throat was sore from screaming. He tapped my shoulder in reassurance and walked away.I looked into my locker mirror to see my face and how bad it was,shit. A Big Bang echoed in my head. 5 girls about 15 years old had slammed my locker door right infront of my face. Great, no one could even help because I was now late to class so it was just us, I just sighed. It was those girls that was beating up the other girl I helped. Seriously them again."oh girl you look so pretty the cuts and bruises definitely glammed you up" a blonde girl with curly hair I just smiled." Do you remember what you did to us?well now it's payback you bitch" she swang for me and I dodged it, I couldn't fight I didn't have the strength not today. I just ran until I found someone. Suddenly I tripped smacking my face straight to the ground. That's when the girls caught up to me, the straddled me. Kicking, punching, smacking me everywhere. Making my wounds from last night open up and bleed more, soon after I passed out in the middle of the hallway.


It was 2nd period and I zoned out a lot. I hate my lessons with my English teacher there Terrible. I raised my hand to ask if I can go toilet, he let me. I made my way to the toilets until I seen a familiar person lead face down in the floor. Shit. I ran up to y/n and tried shaking her but she wouldn't wake up. She was covered in blood everywhere, I knew no teacher would come and get her and I wasn't strong enough so I ran outside to the baseball pitch because I knew finney and Robin was there getting a free period.

"HELPPP" I screamed over to them, they turned there heads and looked to me and came bolting over."WHATS WRONG GWEN!?!"" Its that y/n girl she isn't okay" I replied while running so they would follow. Once we got to her I rolled her over and moved her hair out of her face."oh shit!" Finney said while putting his hands over his head."help me get her up to first aid you twats!!" I looked at Robin knowing he is the strongest here, I gave him a begging look.
"For fuck sake fine"

I don't want to carry her because she is rude and annoying but I'm doing it for Gwen. I went over to her and after seeing how badly she was hurt it kind of made me mad and I don't know why. I carefully picked her up bridal style and carried her to the first aid with Gwen and finney. I placed her onto the medical bed and quickly moved away from her. The nurse told us that we couldn't be in the room while they tried waking her up because it could go wrong, she closed the door on our faces. Me, finney and Gwen made our way back to our lessons.

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