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y/n's pov

i'm right now just sitting down in RE getting my book out with my pen and began drawing on my hand. right now i'm doing therapy in school and out but also i'm in a report card because of bad behaviour so every lesson a member of staff come in to check on me. it's getting irritating.

"okay everybody settle down!" mr young shouted while walking in with his coffee in his hand. he east down in his chair while grabbing his clipboard beginning to take attendance.

as he was doing it i was working on a new sketch on my hand because why the hell not.
"y/n?'" that pulled me out of my thoughts.

i raised my head and replied "yes sir"and began drawing again but he did t continue the register.

"y/n?" i looked up at him again "do you have anything you wanna give me?" i furrowed my eyebrows confused on what he was trying to say.

he scoffed while muttering "for god sake y/n. the damn assignment"

i rolled my eyes from him being literally rude for no reason but reached into my bag and pulled it out. i walked up to his desk and handed it to him as he began reading through it.

he started to shake his head. "no., um nope this is not correct write it again" i scoffed "what? you asked me to explain the thing people can't do on Shabbat day and i explained."i said folding my arms getting annoyed.

he looked at me with a face thinking he's right as always when he's making up shit "no no i said tell me not explain." what the hell.

"are you serious?"i said raising my voice abit. he sighed writing something down"detention"

"fuck no" i mumbled walking to my chair grabbing my bag and walked out the door. i could hear him yelling at me but i physically can't be bothered with him today.

so i made my way to robins classroom who im pretty sure is being taught by my favourite teacher. her names miss winters and she is a music teacher, she understands mr young and he is racist towards me so she is chill about letting me stay in her lessons.

this is the first time i've done it in a while. hopefully she lets me stay.

i knocked on the door trying not to interrupt to much. i opened the door agreeing hearing a come in.

"miss can i stay in here because i actually refuse to go back to mr youngs lesson. i'm not telling you what he did because it is ridiculous." i asked shutting the door and stuffing my hands into my pockets waiting for her response

i felt a pair of eyes on me so i followed them and soon landing on robin who was sat in the back corner on a desk for 2 people but by myself. i smiled at him which he happily returned.

"yes that is fine but if mr newstead comes to look for you and asks why you are in here you are going to have to explain" she said giving me a reassuring smile. i nodded with a small thanks and made my way to robins desk.

"long time no see ma" he said while looking up at me watching as i sit next to him on the seat closer to the window.

i shook my head with a slight laugh "this shitty school needs to get qualified teachers not some racist." i replied crossing my arms and resting my legs on top of his under the table.

he nodded agreeing and began getting back to his work. i didn't want to disturb his so i sat quietly while beginning to do my maths homework that's due in a couple of days.

every now and then i would notice robin staring at me to which i would stare back and he would look away and act like he wasn't staring at me.

"uh -hey y/n what does that mean?" he asked pointing at the word that said pitch on his paper so i began explaing it to him. i watched his eyebrows furrow but then relax once he understood. "ohhh okay thanks love" he said before finishing his worksheet.

𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞..//𝚛𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝙰𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚘 𝚡 𝚢/𝚗//Where stories live. Discover now