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The next few weeks y/n spent her after school days tutoring Robin. Although, sometimes they would have to call it off because of y/n had boxing. Her brother got her signed back up to her old boxing place because her anger issues where getting worse and sometimes she needed to release some anger.

Today was Wednesday and I have a boxing but today I'm against this one kid who really gets on my nerves and pisses me off on purpose. I have to fight against him today and I  just can't even explain how excited I am to knock some sense into him. "COME ON Y/n ITS TIME TO LEAVE!" dylan shouted from outside. I ran downstairs and we made our way to the boxing place.


I lost. I NEVER LOSE. I'm pissed, I have never get this angry in a long time. THIS ISNT FAIR. The stupid coach wasn't watching us and she used an move that isn't allowed and got away with it. And she cheated about 5 times but her stupid dad pays to keep the place open so the coach let her get away with it. I'm really not in the mood. Then I realised I still have to get through the school day. I made my way home and had a shower and got ready.

Today I decided to wear some cream cargos with a white jumper and some old shoes but they good or whatever. Me and Dylan was walking to school and talking, well I wasn't talking I was too busy biting my cheeks holding me back from yelling because of the fight.

I just don't understand I NEVER LOOSE.

I turned the corner from the street and heard "HEY Y/n WAIT UP!" I turned on my HES to see Robin running my way. I sighed and waited for him to catch up. "Hey! You okay?" He asked while putting his hands into his Jean pockets. "I'm fine." I said while walking abit faster "ye no your not tell me what's wrong" he said while grabbing my shoulder.

I was pissed and he had just got on my nerves "OMG ROBIN DO YOU KNOW HOW TO MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND FUCK OFF!" I said while nudging him out the way and practically running to school.

I could feel his stare Burning into the back of my head.



Something is off with y/n she is acting like a bitch. Wait no that's normal. She is just being ignorant.

I watched as she walked into second period but her face was just full with a mixture of sad and angry. But she looked disappointed.

She walked over to her desk which was next to mine and sat in the empty seat.

The whole lesson I just stared at her trying to figure out what was wrong. But she wouldn't even look at me. 



It's now lunch time and I walked over to gwen and finney. "Hey guys have you seen y/n?" I asked while looking around. "Oh hey I'm I think she is outside with jaden near the gates"
Finney replied as gwen nodded along agreeing to him. I began walking away and turned around to shout "thanks guys see you later!".

I made my way outside looking around near the gates, just then I see her at her usual spot. She is near the gate with jaden and doing tricks on her skateboard. I stuffed me hands into my Jean pockets and made my way over. "WHY IS IT SO FUCKING HARD TO DO!?" She gritted through her teeth while truggling to do the Ollie.

Jaden laughed "you really need to calm down" just as those words left bud mouth y/N's head shot up with a serious face. "JSUT SHUT th- I- ugh I wanna go home" acting like a toddler having a tantrum with that she put one foot on her skateboard.

I began to laugh at how cut- i mean how funny she was acting.

She looked at me "what ?" She asked while knitting her eye brows together.

"Your acting like a six year old. Now you are gonna tell me when u was being a butch this morning." I said in a stern tone.

Her mouth opens but she doesn't speak. She sighed "jaden can you um. You know just for a minute-" she said looking at him with widened eyes. "Oh ye ye course I'm I'll be in the cafeteria!" He says while walking away.

I sit down on the grass.

"So talk to me" I said bringing my one knee ups and holding my self up with my hands.

She sighed. She looked kind of disappointed in herself. "I um. I had a boxing spar thing with this boy and he always is a big asshole. And I'm i never loose. And this shithead kept using illegal moves and ended up winning. That fucking cheating bitch" she said while doing some tricks on her board.

"I get it" she looked up surprised "really?" She questioned me. I nodded my head while smiling.

𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞..//𝚛𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝙰𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚘 𝚡 𝚢/𝚗//Where stories live. Discover now