3:Tis but a scratch.

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[warning this chapter contains descriptions of a knife wound and some graphic detail about it. I'll warn you ahead of time and let you know when you can skip. Just look for the bold ;)]

[Peter's POV]

Swinging through New York always brought a thrill to the 17-year-old's mind. It was such a freeing feeling. He got to do it much more now that nobody knew he existed. All he had to be was be on time for work. Other than that he could swing all day long.
A scream reached his ears and he shot a web to a sharp left. Darting over to the alleyway where it came from. He saw three men cornering a scared woman.

"Come on pretty girl, just onnneee little kiss. Or maybe like five~" The first guy purred out. The masked hero gagged to himself before dropping to the ground. "Hey man, pretty sure I've heard her say no. So let's back off ka-"
"It's the Spider!" The second guy yelled. Peter scoffed. "Well. Like. Duh?" The third guy was the silent type, rushing forward to attack. Peter of course dodged it, wrapping a web around the guy's leg and flipping it up.

Throwing the guy off balance and sending him to the ground where he webbed the attacker down. Guy number one pulled out a knife and threw it. Spider-Man simply caught it and started at the guy. "Really man? You just threw it? You guys suck at your job! I'm telling your mother. "
He tossed it to the side and webbed the guy's hands to the wall.

He stood, feeling pretty proud of himself. Not noticing the attack until it was too late.
[This is when the gore starts. You have been warned]

The pain of the knife startled him. The second guy! He had forgotten about him. The knife was lodged into his stomach. Peter held back a scream as it was painfully twisted sideways. Being pushed further into his gut. Punching his attacker in the face before stumbling back. Fuck fuck fuck! His vision was a bit blurry. So to wrap up the fight He webbed the last guy to the wall.

[Main gore has ended but there may be light mentions from here on out.]

Looking around he saw that the lady had left. Without even a thank you. Rude. Not that he cared about that. What matters was the knife he was impaled on. Wincing as he poked at it. He had to pull that out before his healing factor healed over it. Not that he didn't have time. It wasn't like it was a bullet this time. He just needed something to wrap it with. So the blood loss wouldn't be too bad. He wouldn't lose enough to die without wrapping but he could pass out or get dizzy if he wasn't careful.

Shooting a web to a rooftop he yanked himself up there. Suddenly his spidey sense went off and he whirled around. Standing right in front of him was the one and only Iron Man.

Parker's first thought was to his phone. Did he get past his firewall? Though he didn't worry long. Technically he didn't even exist so it didn't matter.
"Heya spider! You've sure been avoiding us. Wanna tell me- Holy- Kid you've got a knife in your stomach!" Mr. Stark exclaimed.

The face plate on his armor retracts to reveal his startled eyes.
"Oh uhm that? It's no problem, Mr. Stark! I was about to pull it out, I just needed some bandages."
He said, trying to calm down the billionaire.
"Pull it out?! Kid, you'll bleed out!"
Spider-Man's eyes narrowed in confusion. He wouldn't bleed out. The wound would close before that would happen. Shouldn't he know this- oh yeah. Magic spells.

God he hated magic sometimes.

"Oh no, Mister Stark! I'll be fine. This happens a lot!" He blurted out trying to help. "This happens often kid??" The superhero frowned and stepped closer to the vigilante. "Why are we just standing here?! We need to get you medical help!" Tony said, already reaching toward the little spider. Peter stepped just out of reach.

"No need sir! Please, all I need is some bandages I swear!!" He exclaimed, shaking his head vigorously. "Kid you're going to need a lot more than a simple band-aid."

Actually, a large enough band-aid would have been perfect. But he would settle for anything. "No sir I'll be fine." He said, trying to keep his composure. His mind was screaming at him to run, to keep avoiding the billionaire like he had been doing.
There was a good reason for that. Everyone close to him ended up hurt. MJ, Ned, Aunt May, Happy. He refused to put the Avengers at risk anymore. Peter was a walking danger magnet.
Besides, dealing with the pain of having his father fig- I mean mentor not knowing who he is? It was too much for the 17-year-old vigilante. He couldn't  deal with it along with everything that was happening he just couldn't.

The iron clad hero noticed the other's silence and spoke up. "Uh? Spidey? Did you hear what I said?"
The vigilante looked up at the taller. "N-No sir." He squeaked out. Mr. Stark simply looked amused. "I said 'I'm taking you to the tower for medical care-"
"What?! No! I'm fine sir! Really! Besides I have to go!" And with that he was gone. Yanking himself in the air with a well placed web. Peter had to move quickly, internally cursing his spidey sense for being so out of whack today.
Swinging quickly,  every building he passed was a blur of colour and shadow. Glancing behind him, Peter saw that the already shrinking form of Tony Stark was just standing there before taking off after him.

Why the heck did he run?! What was he thinking?! Oh yeah! He wasn't!!! Running was the worst thing to do. He couldn't have a billionaire hunting after him. Not now. Not when Peter needed to keep said billionaire safe.
He couldn't risk hurting the Iron Man! No. He couldn't do that to world. Unfortunately his thoughts distracted him from the figure in front of him and he crashed straight into somebody. Tumbling on the roof top he starred up at a blue uniform with a white star?

Oh shit.

He just ran into Captain America.
Peter quickly rolled with the impact, jumping to his feet as he just started slack jaw at the captain. Just his luck. "Hey are you alright there? That was quite the tumble we... Took.." He trailed off when he saw the knife still stuck in Peter's gut. Oh yeah. Peter really needed to remove that, when he was alone of course. "Yeah knife to see you too." He said before blinking, the pun slipping out of himself before Peter could think. The spider themed vigilante just snorted.

Captain America was not as amused as the younger male. "This is serious Spider-Man. Look at yourself. You'll die if you don't receive medical attention son."
The young boy simply rolled his eyes. "Jeez you sound like my grandpa. Anyways you gotta cut me loose, I've got to be somewhere." Peter said before backing up, right into the iron plated chest of Tony Stark.

'Hello? Spidey sense?! Did you die?!' He thought to himself and he darted sideways to avoid being grabbed. "Kid, I'm not sure why you're running. We just want to ask some questions after getting you medical help. We just want to know what happened last month."

Peter felt the blood drain from his face. Of course they wanted to know about that. But they couldn't. It would end horribly. Or would it? It didn't matter. He wasn't ready to talk about it. "That's a good question and that question has a great answer. Unfortunately I really can't tell you. I'm not ready." With that statement, Peter dived off the building. Leaving two confused and concerned Avengers.

Once he was a good distance away, he pulled off his suit, redressing in his civilian clothes. He removed the knife, using a extra shirt to wrap the wound. Leaning against the alley wall before stumbling to his apartment building. Grabbing keys and unlocking his apartment door.

Flopping onto his bed he checked his phone to see if Tony had maybe texted him. Nope. Nothing. That's fine because he was going to sleep.
So, with his gut barely wrapped with a shirt, the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man went to bed.

[1430 words! I thinks that's a good amount! My goal is around 2,000 but it's pretty late right now so I'll just give you this and try double hard on the next! Please comment any grammar mistakes or anything that I get wrong! Oh and also, I try to make my paragraphs bite sized so you're not reading a big chunk of words! Bye Stardrops!

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