Christmas Special!

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This doesn't directly connect to the storyline, I just wanted to write this! Merry Christmas!!!

Nobody's POV.

Spider-man was alone on Christmas, for the very first time. It felt like only yesterday when it had been a year since he joked with Aunt May about making a Spider-Man Christmas album.

Peter landed on the snow-covered roof of an empty building. Most people were at home now, cherishing warm fires or eating nice food. While Peter was looking for crime to distract himself.

Crime never sleeps after all, but it seemed today it had taken a break. Seems even criminals had somebody to spend their Christmas with.

It wasn't fair, Peter had been good. He'd lost so much, yet he tried to not complain. He was only seventeen. Why did he have to experience trauma most adults don't even see in their entire lives when he was still a child?

The lonely vigilante shoved off his mask. Nobody would see him anyways. The streets were empty, well as empty as New York could get. Some people seemed to be doing some last-minute shopping.

Peter checked the time on his phone, surprised to see it was already 11:30 at night. Christmas day was only 30 minutes away now. How lucky for him.

He was also surprised to see a text from Tony Stark and Dr. Strange. He checked the one from Tony first because he was more likely to be awake.

[Mr. Stark]
Merry Christmas Eve kiddo! Hopefully, you're asleep though. -_-

Merry Christmas Eve Mr. Stark.

[Mr. Stark]
Uh-uh. You are not still staying awake for Santa at this age.

Hey! I'm not!

[Mr. Stark]
Mhmm sure bucko.

I'm notttttttt!

[Mr. Stark]
Just get some rest kiddo. Your family will want you bright and cheery for Christmas morning.

Peter sighed quietly, noticing how he could see it.
His family? He didn't have one anymore, of course, he wouldn't say that.

Oh yeah, I guess your right. Good night- err morning??

[Mr. Stark]
Sleep well kiddo.

Peter exited the conversation before tapping the contact for Dr. Strange.

(Dr. Magic)
I hope you're asleep by now but I doubt that. Merry Christmas.

That was oddly dry, also you're the one who texted me this late, so you're one to talk.

[Dr. Magic]
So you are still awake? It's 11:58

[Peter] I'm asleep.

[Dr. Magic]
..Get some sleep kid, you need the rest.

Yes mister doctor sir, Merry Christmas.

Peter could almost hear the annoyance that Dr. Strange was feeling now as he turned his phone off and put it into his pocket. Peter decided to take the older men's advice and go to sleep. He swung to his run-down apartment's roof. Quickly changing out his costume and pulling on his normal clothes. He then placed the costume in the backpack he had hidden on the roof.

The now tired teenager entered the building and walked to his apartment, opening his door and locking it behind him, and then collapsing on the barely clean mattress. He was out like a light.

Meanwhile, over at the Avenger tower, the Avengers were currently scrambling around. The tower was decorated, with garlands covering the walls and a huge tree in the living area. The tree was covered head to toe in ornaments and ribbons. A silver star covers the top of the tree.

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