9:The Avengers do..some rather normal things?

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I'm really bad at titles okay? Anyways I hoped you enjoyed that last cliffhanger :) also sorry for such a long wait, I've been really busy these past few days.  I've also been considering rewriting the first two or three chapters because I'm not proud of them at all)

[Nobody's POV]

The great Tony Stark was currently being physically dragged out of his lab for the third time this week by a very annoyed Steve Rodgers. He and the other Avengers had been trying to get Tony out of the lab more often but after Steve and Tony confronted Spider-Man, Tony shut himself in the lab.

"Steve come on! Just give me like fifteen more minutes you old man!" Tony protested. "That's exactly what you said two hours ago, Tony. Just come hang out with us for a short while and then you're good to go back." Tony thought this over, he had been tinkering with some spidey-related gear, hoping maybe this would help that vigilante out, it was mostly different types of web fluid. He had a vague memory of him in the lab while somebody taught him how to make it. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make out their face or age.

"Tony? Are you still with me?" Steve asked, still waiting for his answer. "Yeah yeah, I'll hang out with you guys for a little bit. But I have to get some things finished so I'll head back pretty soon."

"Okay, just give yourself a break," Steve stated before walking off. "You need to stop working so hard."

Tony scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you tell me this almost every day," Tony grumbled.

The star-spangled Avenger didn't bother to look back at the engineer.
Tony sighed and locked up his lab behind him, having FRIDAY tint the windows to black so nobody could see in.  He didn't want them to see the things he was making for the small-town, er city vigilante even though they all agreed that there was no proof that spider-man had erased the files that S.H.I.E.L.D had on him. Unfortunately, there was no current proof that he hadn't done that. So Fury was still making them go after him.

So far only Stark and Rodgers had gone to talk to him, Barton had been sent to trail him but all the avengers knew he botched it on purpose by faking a call with Steve. Nobody wanted to hunt down this vigilante.

They all had snippets of memories with him, they had fought with or against him at the airport in Germany, they fought with him on Titan, or on that final battlefield. It didn't matter. They knew that if he wasn't coming to them, something must be wrong.
They also were well aware that it wasn't their business. Spider-man had a right to privacy.
Though they were all concerned by how young he seemed. He couldn't be any older than his early twenties.

Tony sighed for like the fourth time now as he walks towards the living room. He wasn't surprised to see Clint draped over the couch, nor was he surprised to see Natasha sitting like a normal human next to the archer.  They seemed to be chatting about something. Natasha knew Tony was there the moment he stepped into the living room.
She glanced over at him before smirking slightly. "Rodgers dragged you out again didn't he?"
Tony reluctantly nodded.

"I told you to get out of the lab more often Tony." Clint sang out.

Tony scoffed. "I'm just here to get coffee and food. Don't get excited." He said as he walked to the kitchen. Thor was there, rummaging through the cupboards, probably looking for pop tarts.

Though the box was on the counter. Tony sighed and grabbed the box. "Pointbreak the pop tarts were beside you," Tony stated tossing the box at the god of thunder.

Thor caught them, blinking at the box. "Ah. I see. Thank you Man of Iron!" Thor rather loudly exclaimed.

There was a collective groan from the other three in the area. The Avengers had been trying to teach Thor to use an inside voice but there seemed to be no hope for the local God.

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