Explaining the AU.

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I figured I should explain my AU

Tony Stark managed to survive the snap. He nearly lost his life but managed to just barely pull through. He was confined to bed rest for a long while after, which is why he couldn't help Peter during Far From Home or during No Way Home. This also explains Peter's sadness when seeing the paintings of Ironman. He is worried about the superhero. Peter did receive EDITH though he quickly gave it back to Tony after the events with Beck.

Steve Rodgers decided he wouldn't leave Bucky just to spend time with Peggy, he knew that time had its own way of flowing. He also knew how badly it would affect Bucky. Though he tried to resign from Captain America and pass it over to Sam, after the events of the Falcon and Winter Solider show, Steve returned to his duty.

Natasha Romanoff, honestly I just loved her too much not to have her. So Natasha was revived after the Soul Stone was returned by Steve. There's not much else here to say.

Bruce Banner. This is my own fault here, I was unable to write a Smart Hulk I was happy with so I just didn't, after Smart Hulk's failed snap, the two minds disagreed causing Bruce to only be green when angry.

I thought about just not doing the book after Endgame but quickly realized that it just wouldn't work. So I adapted the story to work with the changes. I know it's not cannon and I'm sorry, but I'm doing my best.

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