10:The Truth Or Something Like That.

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"Thank you so much, sir! It'll help so much!" Peter said, sounding absolutely awestruck. Strange smiled a little before he frowned. "Peter? I think that we should talk about Spider-Man."

Peter felt his heart jump out of his chest. "Uhm... What about Spider-man? I mean I think he's kind of cool I suppose?" He stammered out.

The man looked down at the teenager before him before shaking his head. "I don't want to talk about what you think about him. I want to talk about your connection to him."

Peter's hands felt clammy now as he fiddled with his pencil. "I don't u-understand what you mean sir? I don't know him, I've just only uhm seen him around the city."

The doctor's expression grew more stern. "I think we both know that isn't true. I'm fairly sure that I've only cast a spell similar to one cast upon you on Spider-Man. So either you're Spider-Man or you're close to him."

Stephen didn't want to force this kid to tell him the truth, but he needed to understand why he'd destroyed this teenager's life.

Peter sighed before fidgeting in his seat. There wasn't much point in lying. The truth was going to get out eventually. Mysterio taught him that much at least.

"Yeah, I'm uh... I'm Spider-Man." Peter whispered, swallowing thickly.

There was silence from the sorcerer before he asked his next burning question. "Why? Why would you tell me to erase you from the world? From the people who cared about you?" Strange didn't directly mention the Avengers, but both of them knew Strange was talking about them.

"I didn't have much of a choice. It was either that or destroy the multiverse." Peter mumbled, not wanting to think about that fight, though he did miss Peter two and Peter three.

Stephen nodded solemnly. The kid was right.

"So yeah, that's what happened...And now nobody knows who I am anymore." Peter felt bad when he saw how the other flinched at that.

"A-Ah but it's not all that bad! Now nobody remembers any of the embarrassing things I've done!"

The doctor cracked a small smile at this.

"You uhm... You're not going to tell anybody right?"

"No, I'll respect your wishes on that matter, but I will suggest you tell them soon. They are quite worried about you." The older man advised.

Somehow Peter doubted that statement but he didn't say so. He simply nodded.

The silence was thick and rather uncomfortable.

"Did...Is there any family who doesn't remember you?" The doctor asked softly.

Peter stiffened and his heart thumped against his ribs. "No, there uhm, isn't really anybody."


More silence.

"When do you plan on talking to the Avengers again?"

Peter thought for a moment, he didn't know the answer to that. He was already talking to Tony, but he didn't know it was him, and he chatted with the others when they confronted him, but other than that he's never talked to them since the fight at the Statue of Liberty.

"I don't know."

Strange felt awkward, this was none of his business but he still felt the need to say something.

"You should talk to them at some point Peter before it's too late."

Peter looked up at the wizard, his brows furrowed. He picked up his application papers and shuffled them a little. "I know."

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