8:New number?

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I'm going to start adding music to chapters for you guys, sometimes the music with go with the chapter, and sometimes it'll be random.
Tw: Eating Disorder, while nobody has any, the lack of food could be triggering to some.
[Peter's POV]

Peter and Hawkeye didn't talk much after that, the archer simply made him promise to visit and Peter swung away. There were things much more important.

He had an application test to finish. He was already on the last two questions. One was a complicated math equation and the other was a write-in answer.
Peter finished the math problem after working it out three separate ways. He wanted to cover all bases alright?

Now for the last question. What was it?

'Why do you want to work/intern here at Stark Industries?'

Oh, it was one of those types, how in the world was he supposed to answer this? It seemed he would have to wait to figure that out since his phone had started to ding. Maybe Mr. Stark was texting? He picked it up.

It wasn't Mr. Stark.

Hello Peter.

Who is this?

I told you that if you didn't stay in touch I would find you, Parker.

What in the world? Who was this?! Who knew his name? Peter was panicking mentally before another message was sent.

Stop freaking out.
I'm not going to hurt you.

How did this guy- or gal or non-binary pal, know he had been panicking?!

It's me kid, Stephen Strange? Ring a bell?

Peter relaxed almost immediately. Oh. That made a lot of sense. He felt a little dumb now, but he quickly responded.

How did you get my number, Mister Dr. Strange?

Don't call me that.

Okay, sir.

The way I got your phone number doesn't matter right now.

Peter shrugged. He was talking to a bloody wizard, he shouldn't be surprised.

[???] Was changed to [Dr. Wizard]

[Dr. Wizard]
How creative.

You don't like it? ('^')

[Dr. Wizard]
I don't dislike it, Peter.

Well, now you have to name me!

[???] Was changed to [Peter]

How creative.

[Dr. Wizard]
Ha ha, kid.
Shouldn't you eat some food now?
You haven't eaten all day.

Peter felt a little nervous now, that was pretty creepy.

That's creepy, how do you even know that?

[Dr. Wizard]
I didn't.
Not until you just confirmed it for me.

Oh wow, okay. I don't know what to say to that.

[Dr. Wizard. ]
Maybe say that you are going to eat now?

Peter hesitated. He was a little hungry, but he didn't want to pay for the food later in the week. Rent had spiked up a little after the landlord's daughter crashed her car. The landlord was now raising the total rent by five percent. That doesn't sound too bad but when you have a crazy fast metabolism and get injured often and have a low-paying job, five percent is a rather large toll.

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