6: Explanations

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[Sorry about the sorta cliffhanger in the last chapter. I wanted to add some suspense! Anyways enjoy!]

[Doctor Strange's POV]

Peter visibly paled at the question and he vigorously shook his head. "No way sir! Me? Spiderman? You must be joking!"

"I didn't say you were Spider-Man. I only asked if it had something to do with him."

The doctor could see the teenager's mind racing as he tried to find an answer.
"Ah, sorry sir," Peter mumbled quietly. "I didn't know that's what you meant."

"What aren't you telling me, Peter?" In all honesty, Strange just had to cast a truth spell and this would be done with, but the guilt of erasing somebody's whole life prevented it. He wanted the young boy to willingly talk to him. It was clear to the doctor that the boy knew him, at least more than the average teenager would.

"You don't even know me, sir." Came the quiet reply of the boy as he looked towards the ground.
Strange sighed and placed a hand on Peter's shoulder.
"Maybe I don't, but I would like to get to know you."

The boy met the magician's eyes with his own brown eyes. A sad grin graces his lips. "Thank you sir but that probably isn't the best idea."

"Why not? I've told you that telling people who you are will not destroy the spell." Strange pointed out, confused about why the kid was being so secretive.

"Everyone who ever gets close to me gets hurt. No matter who they are. You're an Avenger sir, you're super important. I'm nobody, so it would be irresponsible of me to put you in danger like that sir."

"You aren't a nobody," Strange remarked. softly. "Everybody matters. Even if they don't think so." The man said, his voice gentle.
The teenager sighed. "You may be right but, I'm just not ready yet sir when I am I promise to tell you okay?"

Strange realized this was the best he was going to get and decided to agree. "Alright, but my offer still stands, you can stay here if needed."

"Oh that's alright Sir, I have my apartment to go to, so I'm all good," Peter stated softly.

Strange felt his eyebrows raise. "You have your own apartment? You're seventeen kid. How many hours are you working?"

"I don't have a specific schedule sir, I just pick up every shift a can." The teenager's words became mumbled when the doctor's face grew stern.

"Don't overwork yourself okay Peter? If you need anything I will be here."

The doctor watched the conflict in the younger as Peter thought about what to say. "Thank you, sir, it means a lot to me, sir."

Strange groaned inwardly. This kid kept calling him sir like his life depended on it. The thought caused him to miss some of the next sentences spoken by the boy.

"-Ave to go now sir." Strange narrowed his eyes. What? What did he just say? "Sorry, can you repeat that?"

"Oh sure, I have to get going now sir so bye."
Strange nodded. "I better see you again Parker. Or else I will find you."

"Of course sir."

And with that, the mysterious teenager left.

Strange sighed and shook his head. Ignoring the way the cloak tugged in the direction the boy had left.
Today had been interesting.

First Avengers had come to question him about an event he didn't even remember all that well, then this kid, this kid who knew him. Although Strange felt some sort of attachment to this kid, he had no memory of him.

As previously stated. Today was quite odd.

The cloak finally stopped tugging and fell limp against the doctor, who only sighed. "You're so dramatic." The cloak bristled, bunching its fabric into itself in clear protest. "You're only proving my point." Strange stated as he started making some tea.

[Tony Stark's POV]

Tony stared down at his phone, he had just finished making the tracker that would find Spider-Man, though he was oddly hesitant to turn it on. So now he just looked at his phone, it had been quite a while since he and that kid had talked. He could use some advice and he might as well kill two birds with one stone.

[Mr. Stark]
Hey kid, been a while huh?

It was only minutes before the teenager texted the billionaire back.

[ Kiddo]

Heya mister, it has been a while :)

[Mr. Stark]

I could use some advice if you're not busy with homework or partying or whatever you teenagers do.

Have you met a teenager? I don't think so.
But sure I can help.

[Mr. Stark]
Anyways, a good friend of mine has been ignoring me for the last month or so and it's got me feeling a little worried about him. Because he doesn't have self-preservation down at all.

Hmm. That sucks.
I'm not sure how to help here.
Just give him space or something, if it's been a whole month then something could be wrong but I would recommend letting him make the first move.
If you're like super worried then you could just shoot him a text or something.

[Mr. Stark]
Great advice kid ;)
You know, you seem pretty smart. What kind of grades do you make?

I make all As.

[Mr. Stark]
What? Seriously? That's an amazing thing kid.
You should apply for a SI internship!

That's a bit random, do you work there or something 👀

[Mr. Stark]

Actually, I do. So you should apply. I know you would make it kid.

I'm not too sure about that. I'm only seventeen.

[Mr. Stark]
You would be our youngest intern yet but that's okay, you seem awesome.

Alright, I'll think about it.
I have to go real quick.

[Mr. Stark]
Alright. Think about my offer kid.

Tony sighed and set his phone down, staring at the dark screen before shaking his head and putting the tracker down in a drawer, setting a bunch of random papers on top so nobody would find it.

He didn't want the other Avengers finding this and hunting down the Spider. The kid was right, the vigilante needed to come to them. Not the other way around.

Though Fury had ordered them so there was nothing Stark could do but try his hardest to give the small-time crime fighter plenty of space.

[I know this one was short, lots of writer's block. I'm sorry! I'm trying but writer's block is attacking me] 1095 words! Comment any plot ideas you'd like to see!!]

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