Man of many masks||Chapter 3

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TW- manipulation
Abby had been in that damned basement for 1 full week now. 1 week of total hell. Each day she grew more paranoid, worried he'd come down and beat her again. Or maybe kill her. Abby hadn't heard the phone ring since the 3rd night..she was tired of the silence. She hadn't eaten in 2 days, she felt like she would starve to death down here. What if he never came back down? What if he left her to die? So many things flooded her mind..Abby felt her body trembles, leaning against the wall. She missed her mother and best friend dearly, hoping they were looking for her. Hoping that she could make it out of this hellhole.

Abby jumped at the sound of the door creaking open. There he was, wearing that..scary ass mask. This time, it wore a permanent frown, missing the top half. She quickly moved herself as far away as possible. He just..stared at her. "I have company over. Kelly and my damn brother. I can't bring you anymore food until they are asleep." He states flatly. He dropped the tray onto the floor, turning around. "Why are you doing this..please let me go..I miss my mom..I miss my friends" she cried. Al tensed up, just slamming the door behind himself. The door clicked, locking. Abby ran to the food, trying to scrape as much off the floor onto the plate. She shoved it into her mouth, it tasted awful but..she didn't care she was too Hungry. She grabbed the sprite, chugging it. She pushed the tray away, going back over to the bed. She laid down, letting herself fall into a deep sleep.

Abby woke up a few hours later, turning onto her side. Her eyes locked with..him. he was crouched against the wall..just the bottom half of the mask on..staring at her. She jumped, pushing herself away from him. His eyes widened, looking away. He got up, "I were bringing me food" she called out. He just shrugged, shaking his head. "if you weren't going to bring me food why did you even come down here.." she mumbled. "Just to look at you..I just wanted to look at you." He said..the last part came out almost like a growl. He left her alone once again.

Abby woke up with next morning with a pounding headache, she slowly sat up, jumping back when she heard the door open. Al slowly walked twords her, putting the tray of food down for her. Abby looked at the food..noticing it wasnt eggs. Instead it was pancakes and toast with a cup of water. She slowly took the tray, starting to eat. The grabber watched, basically hovering over her. "I'll be out today. if you even try to fucking escape I will gut you as soon as I fucking see you. " He growled, leaving the room. The door..didn't lock. It didn't click like it usually did. She quickly ate her food, waiting a few minutes before slowly opening the door. She prayed Kelly would be upstairs, there to save her. But when she reached the top of the stairs..she was met with nothing. She quickly ran to the door, a fucking lock. She spent around 20 minutes trying to figure out the code ..but jumped at the sound of a car door slamming outside. She saw Kelly and her uncle...scurrying back down the stares, shutting the door. She quickly laid in bed, closing her eyes tightly in case the man came downstairs once more.

The girl woke up only hours later, it was very late. She had enough of this, she knew she had to do something about this..she couldn't just live the rest of her life in this basement. The previous day felt like a nightmare..Abby hoped that's all it was..she hoped to wake up nezt to her friend instead of in this gross basement but ..unfortunately it wasnt.

Al came down the stairs, wearing just the top half of the mask. He was acting as if nothing happened..
He slowly walked twords her, kneeling next to her "are you okay? You hit your head pretty hard yesterday.." he hums, with the amount of trauma Abby had to go through..the smallest amount of human interaction made her forget about everything. Al put a hand on her shoulder, rubbing in small circles. The touch made her melt, she hadn't felt another person in what felt like years. She didn't know he was just manipulating her..she was oblivious.
"How about.." Al hums, helping her up "we get you a nice warm" He says, leading her up the stairs. This was the first time the man had shown any human decency twords her. He led her to the bathroom, sitting on a chair in the corner. "I have to sit in here and make sure you don't..try to escape again. I don't want to half to hurt you.." that was a massive lie. She slipped her clothes off..the grabber watched, making her feel uneasy. She slipped herself into the shower, she began to wash her hair.

After the shower, Abby slipped on the clothes provided. A large t shirt and a pair of underwear. Once done, the man led her out into the other room, twords the basement "good girl.." he hums, making her shiver slightly. Albert led her to the basement, sitting her down. "Don't give me a reason to hurt you. You know I don't like to do things you..won't enjoy." He says blankly. It's like as soon as they got downstairs his whole.. personality shifted. One minute he was nice to her and the next he looked like he would choke the shit out of her. He left the room, once again..not locking the door...

1015 words:)

hii!! I hope you guys like this chapter. Ideas are appreciated!! I would love to incorporate your ideas into the story:)

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