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Sunlight melted through the gently swaying stalks of golden grass, tickling the bare feet of the girl as she leaned forward to pluck a dandelion from the warm earth. The dwindling rays of light cast dappled shadows on the field, highlighting the sleek form of the horse grazing peacefully at her side. A sigh escaped her lips, not one of displeasure or tiredness, but a content breath that flowed easily past her lips, the sound swallowed eagerly by the evening breeze.

The girl watched with keen eyes as the dandelion fractured and took flight. The tufted seeds spun and twirled into the heavens, illuminated by the bright star surrendering its last rays to the summer air. She stood slowly, tracking the vanishing seeds with interest, before finally turning and threading her hands through her companion's thick black mane.

For a time she was immersed in un-weaving strands of rebellious leaves and twigs that had become caught in the stallion's long, tumbling mane. When at last she was satisfied, stroked the muscular shoulder of the horse, admiring the smooth brown coat. A small hand wove through the coarse mane and gripped tightly. Counting under her breath, she leapt and landed smoothly on the horse's bare back. The horse turned its head to peer at her with soulful brown eyes, a shoot of grass dangling from his lips.

"Time to go home," she said with a small smile, trailing her hand over her horse's neck affectionately. A gentle squeeze and the horse moved into a smooth walk and then into a soft canter, the rhythmic motion further soothing her heart, each hoof beat on the fertile soil a song which had no words. Her arms spread out to her sides, her fingers splayed to catch the wind. For a moment there was nothing but that moment, nothing but the thrum of the air and the distant emerging stars, at one with the horse moving beneath her.

A small stream approached, burbling and winding, and she leaned forward. Together, they embraced the moment of flight, suspended in rapture and the sensation of flying. As one, they flew and as one, they landed. And united, they ran into eternity. 

Written on 17/08/22.

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