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As a community, a world and a race,
we are grounded together in humanity's face.
Collectively poor, individually rich,
some recognise a wound we can't stitch.

Spiritually empty, naturally cruel,
rebellion and hatred, using each other as a tool.
Our hearts are lazy and hopelessly cold,
through our own pride we always grow old.

We take joy in strife and delight in war,
not many admit we are clutching at straws.

The honest truth is, humanity sucks.
If we look at it closely, our souls are the crux.
So when some reach out and hope for more,
why do others seethe and hate it at their core?

Why do men and women insult and reject,
those who admit that their ships are wrecked?
Why does society insists in a hopeless earth,
when relief is offered to souls without worth?

Can you blame us for accepting peace and joy?
Look around us, not even one can say they've not been used as a toy.
Purity, truth, salvation and life,
a way out and welcome path amongst the strife.

In my heart is found no good thing,
without the love of a mighty strong King.
In me is weakness,
but in Him is strength.
My soul in it's bareness,
adds to it's life length.

Written on the 20/04/20.

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