I open the cabinet to pick her snacks, chips and popcorn before scurrying to the counter to microwave the popcorn."Would you like some juice or soft drink?",My eyes hover over the options available in the refrigerator seeking the sight of a lot of drinks but I know she's always going for her favourite litchi one."I'm okay with whatever you have.",her voice comes like a whisper from across the room so I tilt my face to look at her. Legs crossed, eyes fixated on her phone and a slight smile on her lips making me think she's talking to him."Don't you want your litchi one?",I don't close the refrigerator, keeping my eyes on her to notice her behaviour.
She seems too captivated by this one when I'm hoping that he doesn't turn out to be a bastard to her. I'm starting to doubt that he really doesn't care about her, not enough to accept whatever connection they have in his friend circle which speaks a lot of volume.
"If you have it, then bring it, otherwise I'm okay with anything.",She puts an end to the conversation so I pick two cans of coke and retrieve the bowl of popcorn along with other snacks to sit beside her on the couch."Who are you talking to?",I approach her casually, not wanting to be intrusive and she adjusts her legs to fold on the couch."Joonsu, he was asking me about the competitions.",she doesn't drift her eyes from the phone, my gaze nonchalantly gliding on her thighs. I lick my lips to stop the hazy thoughts from earlier from entering my mind when she jumps on her spot.
"Hey,",her abrupt call makes me look at her."Do you think I should go for the tennis one?",her eyebrows form a knot, anxiety surfacing on her face. "If you like it and it's fun for you, then you should go.",I straighten my back to face her and watch her zoning out in confusion. I've not seen her playing much except the occasional matches that she enjoys with her dad in their lawn but they're enough to determine her interest.
"I just…. what if I don't win and then I make a fool of myself in front of the whole school?",I discern the fear on her face, her face dipping as the mere thoughts make her push this idea on the back of her mind."So what? You'll go and play because it's fun for you.Just think of it as some game that you play with your dad and even if you lose, it isn't a big deal. There are 15 categories in the competition, pocky. Nobody really gives a shit if you win or not because everybody is just going to have a good time missing classes.",I tell her the truth and notice her giving my words a thought. She's usually very impulsive with her words but this expression on her face makes it seem like she really doubts a lot of things.
"Alright, think over it today when you go home and give your name whenever you feel like.",I shrug the tension in the room and attempt to change the topic as she peels the wrapper for her favourite snack."I'm starting it, put your headphones on.",I move my attention towards the screen, hearing a little hum from her.
— Next day —
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
11:05 A.M.
"Watch me beating the shit out of him.",Jaesung hisses at the guy who stole a girl from him. I don't think it can be called stealing when the girl was playing strings with these boys. That's what happens when you lose control of your emotions and get smitten with someone more than you should, you lose your sense of thinking."And what? They're not gonna suspend you if you pull such shit in a match supervised by umpires?",I bring the reality to him but he shrugs it with a tilt of his head as we head to the locker to change into comfortable clothes for the track, standing close to a group of boys including the one I wouldn't want to share the same space with."Have you done something with her?",One of them nudges joonsu, my eyes instantly switching in his direction. This better be not what I'm thinking."I don't know, I'm thinking of but she gets too sensitive sometimes.",He talks about this girl openly among her friends and I don't understand the deal about flashing someone's emotions in their absence."What do you mean? Don't tell me that you haven't even been between those hot thighs.You should at least give or receive a head, dude.",he punches his friend who doesn't answer him back, smiling cheekily.. I'm trying my best to not engage in this as I remove my hoodie to wear a tshirt.
Fanfic❝You make me feel things I didn't believe in anymore.❞ Warning: ▏This story contains some mature and triggering content [You have been informed before . Don't read if you are uncomfortable ]