A smug smile on his rosy lips tempts me to fulfil his demand which sweeps away the calm in my chest. My heart pounds with thundering beats when he fixes his intent gaze on me, persistent to earn a reaction out of me."What if I don't?",My questions makes him adjust his body on the mattress, making me realise that he's huge. His muscles make his shoulders appear more prominent leading to a well built chest that is concealed by the black fabric, evading me from flattening my hands over the expanse of his torso. What the hell am I thinking when he can read my face like a fine paper?
"Then I won't accept your apology and my poor heart will be very hurt.",He sighs to fake a cry, his hand flying to his chest which receives a chuckle from me."What, you're laughing at me now? Now my ego is hurting too.",He dips his head to let me know and I laugh at the irony. He might appear conceited from afar, like the kind of guys who would fight hell and back to keep up their narcissistic acts but he isn't afraid to admit his ego being fragile after being refused a peck which gushes my heart, filling it with tenderness and warmth. I move closer to inhale his scent which easily wins the way to lure my senses and press my lips on his cheek, my mouth ending on the corner of his before tearing my lips away from his mellow skin.
His eyes peer up at me, the emotion in them spurring heat in my veins, this soft exchange enraging laboured breaths that I struggle to hide."I'm gonna need another one because I barely felt your lips.",My eyes flick at him while he smoothens a tongue over his lips to moisten them."Your sensory nerves are lacking then. It's not my fault.",I shoot back and set my eyes on the show that had been robbed of the limelight. I have a feeling I'm not going to get enough of the racy heartbeat and alluring rush that he ignites in my body with his actions and words.
The man beside me doesn't entertain ignorance and paces his way towards the screen to turn it off with a remote before leaning against the wooden cabinet, earning my attention."What are you doing?", I furrow my eyebrows at him,"Since my sensory nerves are lacking, I can't seem to understand what's going on in the show anymore so there's no use of watching it, is it?", he stretches his arm on the furniture. This guy is impossibly stubborn and I'm not even surprised. I coax a breath to take this mesmerising sight of jungkook, catching a peek of his muscles bulging beneath the short sleeves of the fabric, his smooth features and piercing eyes that are set sharply at me, causing a thick ridge of pulse to spark my bloodstream. I did know that he was attractive but now that it's the two of us left alone in his room, I'm having a hard time controlling my instincts.
"As much as I love having an audience, you can stop checking me out, baby because I'm about to have a hard-on if you don't stop staring at me like that.",With utmost nonchalance, he manages to hitch my breath in my throat, leaving me flushed to the core of my heart.
"Shut up.",I nudge a pillow at him that he dodges just in time,"I wasn't checking you out. There was…something on the wall behind you.",I can hardly conceal the embarrassment in my voice, my chest throbbing from the effect of his actions and laughter. I'm sure it's impossible to descend to a deeper level of flustered than this."Sure.",His eyes glitter with cockiness before he treads in my direction, adamant to leave my weak heart."You know what? I have an idea. Let's dance.",He jolts in his position and my eyes remain plastered to him.
"What?How does that help in this situation?",I have no idea where he aims to lead this conversation but for a stupid reason, I don't feel nervous, I'm steady and lively with him which is bashingly addictive."In every way,pocky. You're my friend so you need to help me revive my senses. And dance? Dance helps to induce a lot of sensations. Rhythm, body synchronisation and awareness, dopamine-release and a hell lot of things.",He gives an expert study to support his words, gaining my attention to consider his demand, not because he sounds convincing but because my heart is swelling with awe at the extent he's willing to go. When I don't reciprocate the excitement, he falls silent at two feet apart from me."I mean….you can say no or we can just watch whatever show you wa—",I stretch my hand for him to freeze and chase a double take at my palm. The corners of his lips lift and he squeezes my hand to pour happiness on my face as I hop off on the floor to join him.
Fanfiction❝You make me feel things I didn't believe in anymore.❞ Warning: ▏This story contains some mature and triggering content [You have been informed before . Don't read if you are uncomfortable ]