10| Baring emotions

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- 2 Days later -
July 21, Sunday , 2018
2:10 P.M.

"When's she coming?",Junghee shifts beside me, passing along the kitchen counter,breathing nervously as she gulps down a glass of water."She'd be here any minute. Don't worry.",I take a glimpse of her face vexed in worry and fear imprinted all over her face. It's normal to be comprehensive about our parents' reaction but I just want them to show how supportive they can be. The ringtone of the doorbell echoes in the hall so I stare out of the window. Once I know it's the girl we were expecting, I turn to junghee to level my eyes with her."I'll tell her. You should call mom and dad now. Relax okay? There's nothing to be scared of. It's going to go well and they will hear you.",No matter how much I attempt to boost her confidence, I know there exists a difference between support from your friends or society and your parents, and I can clearly see how their validation is important for her.

She nods at me and steps across the hall to walk towards their room so I motion to let y/n in."Hey.",She greets me with her cheerful smile and for a second, I feel all the suffocation leaving my chest."Hey. Come on in.",We head towards the hall since I've already told her about the conversation we're going to have with our parents about my sister. She insisted on having y/n present with us since they're really close and she has helped her a lot to reach and accept the truth about her.

"So,are you nervous?",she questions after taking a seat on the sofa across from mine, to my disappointment."What?",I need her to repeat her question, not because I didn't hear but because she caught the whiff of my emotions."I thought you must be nervous. I know it's her who's telling your parents about herself but you must be nervous about everything going well....or not.",She nibbles on her lips, feeling that she has offended me when I just need a few seconds to recollect my thoughts. I look at her prancing her eyes down in her lap, her pink cardigan making her look adorable like a baby.

For some reason, I feel more attached and protective of her after what happened with Joonsu and our discussion at the mall. Since I know this feeling is mutual from the way she reacts to my words and touches, I can't help the need to bare my emotions with her.

"Come here.",I tap the empty space beside me and she peeks to take a glance before leaving her seat to join me. I close the space between our bodies to have her against me, causing her to put her eyes on me."I won't lie to you.",I lick my lips,"I'm fucking nervous.",she grins at my words but I don't feel embarrassed to reveal my other side."I know they're gonna be okay because they're the best parents we can ever get but I just want this to go well for her. I want her to know that we will support her no matter what and this won't change the love we have for her.",I don't avoid pouring my heart out after acting like a strong brother to junghee earlier and look at her as she smiles gently at me before sliding her small hand under mine, the other hand wrapping around the back of my palm to give it a squeeze,this sweet gesture instantly relaxes me and makes me squeeze her hand.

"It's okay. You're allowed to be nervous. Honestly, it would've been weird if you weren't. This means you care a lot about her and also proves my point, that you're a good brother.",She pacifies me using sincere words,making my nerves relax and my heartbeat calm. My gaze drifts down to her hands holding my manly one and switches to her face as she blinks tentatively, sitting in silence. There's no necessary reason for me to vent my feelings when I've never done it in her presence but she exudes the positivity and warmth which makes everybody around her feel secure and happy and I'm slowly starting to realise why my sister confided in her.

"That felt assuring. Now I won't have to sit here and act normal when I'm going crazy in my head.",I signal my eyes towards my parent's house as they still haven't gathered in the hall."Good. You looked like you could puke any time.",She ridicules me like a naughty brat, just seconds after being so sweet to me and leaves my hand to escape, well aware that I'm not going to let her go after the tease she threw at me but I grip her wrist to swirl her back and land on my lap. The sound of the door gliding distracts us, giving her a chance to dodge the trouble she caused for herself and she wrings her arm free to get on the couch which she occupied earlier.

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