' Y/n's P.O.V.'
His hands clutch the snacks and can to retrieve a close spot beside me and my eyes follow his slender fingers working on tearing the cover apart to fish my favourite snack."Eat.",His eyes switch to me, drawing the stick near me and my heart runs on a pedestal. I'm still processing the last few moments, forcing my mind to acknowledge how vulnerable I was and his sweet actions are only making it harder to avert my attention elsewhere.
"No, I'm full. I've had enough at lunch today.",I don't unveil the real reason and further my face from his hand.He studies my face obnoxiously, a frown etched on his eyebrows, his eyes laid on me."No, you didn't. You usually snack between lectures but for the last three days, I've been watching you eating just a sandwich and an apple in school so you clearly have been eating less than your appetite.",he surprises with his observation, detailing about it like he has a clear record assorted in his mind.
"It's just that I'm not feeling hungry much nowadays and are you stalking me to notice what I've been eating?",I don't lose the rein over this conversation but he deposits the stick back in the packet, making me sigh."You're really cute if you think you would manage to change the topic. Tell me what you've eaten after lunch.",He straightens his back, shooting me a piercing look that makes my mouth go dry. It's not like I'm doing it on purpose but I think he's right about how I've been suppressing my hunger. I manage to do it well at home because my mom doesn't bother about the meals unless dad is home but I don't think this will be the same when I'm with jungkook.
"Nothing but honestly it hasn't been that long.",I adjust my figure to scoot consciously before answering him and notice something fierce shifting in his eyes."Three fucking hours, pocky. It's been three hours since you last had that small sandwich and you want me to think you aren't hungry?",His expressions grow adamant but his words hit needles in my heart. Nobody has been considerate about my meals and hearing him argue about this makes me overwhelmed.
Not hearing a word from me, he lays the packet on the comforter, shifting closer to me until there's barely an inch left between us. My eyes drop at his arm, rising to his chocolate eyes that always manage to make me fall in a never ending thrall. We've already gone a lot far and have to find a way to stop this."What's happening, y/n? Are you really forcing yourself to eat less than you want? Is it because of the thing that we discussed earlier?",His voice is soft, delicate as if he's pleading with me to let a secret in between us. A weight on my chest pulls my breath taut, countless words coming in my mind and I can't bring my lips to part. It hurts too much to speak because that makes me feel how pathetic I am for living like this.
"I thought I was eating a lot. Without any reason. So I found a way to stop it and regulate my habit.",I choose accurate words to not broach the topic again. It has been emotionally draining for me to confess all those things but I had felt a soothing comfort, an escape and relief when he had embraced me with his arms and words. It's embarrassing how easily he can make me open my heart to him and how he makes sure to make me feel secure with it which is one of the reasons I'm going to hold strong to not disintegrate before him again.
He licks his lips, blinking at me as if he had deciphered the actual reason but he chooses to not address it."You don't need any reason to eat. If you feel like eating something, eat it. You don't need to limit yourself to eat a certain food or quantity,y/n. Eating less than your appetite will only trouble your mind and stomach and we all have different levels. Don't try to suppress it for any reason, okay?",He dips his eyes at me, not going in depth with his words after a long conversation so I nod and smile involuntarily at him.
"Now open.",He nears the snack close to my mouth,the authority in his voice making me realise how persistent he can be so I don't oppose and part my mouth to bite on it.His eyes drop tentatively to my lips, striking a deep gaze before switching to my eyes so I don't refrain from the eye-contact that brings butterflies in my stomach at every chance.I'm getting used to a different side of him that I've never come across which is threatening for my heart and mind.After I munch the sweet snack in my mouth, he tears a different packet of candies to unfurl one and put in his mouth to relish it before returning his attention at me.
Fanfiction❝You make me feel things I didn't believe in anymore.❞ Warning: ▏This story contains some mature and triggering content [You have been informed before . Don't read if you are uncomfortable ]