Prologue: Broken

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Despair, that was the feeling she felt right now. She never knew that something like this would happen. Currently, Chizuru Ichinose was sitting on the side of the footpath, bawling her eyes out. The series of events that took place just then these past few days was one of the worst outcomes ever.

4 days ago

Mami Nanami was outright laughing in front of Kazuya, his family, Kibe, Kuri, Ruka, and Chizuru. She had revealed to everyone the lie that Kazuya had been going with for a long time. The disappointment in his grandmother's face said it all.

"So, all of this, was a lie?" Nagomi questioned, "She was never your girlfriend"

"No Grandma, this relationship was never true" Kazuya sighed.

"I am very disappointed" She exclaimed.

"I understand" Kazuya said, sadly walking off.

The rest watched him leave, Mami with satisfaction, Nagomi in disappointment, his parents in shock, Ruka, Kibe and Kuri in worry, and Chizuru in discomfort. No one bothered to try to catch up to him. After a moment of silence, everyone decided it was best to leave.

The Next Day

Visiting her grandmother, Chizuru explained the whole ordeal to Sayuri. Unlike Nagomi, she seemed to be a little more understanding once everything was explained. Once all the information was processed, Sayuri decided to interrogate.

"I want to know; do you love Kazuya?" She asked.

"What?" Chizuru questioned.

"I asked because you seemed very upset about this, you were always happy when you were with him" Sayuri pointed out. Thinking about it, she realised that her grandmother was right. All this time, she tried denying her feelings for the boy, and it made her understand that all this would've been avoided if she were honest.

"Yes Grandma, I do love him, I love him so much, I don't want to lose him" Chizuru admitted, with tears forming.

"There's still time, you can make amends with his family and then tell him the truth" Sayuri told her granddaughter.

"You're right" Chizuru exclaimed, "I will try to fix this". Standing up, she left the hospital to hopefully fix things.

2 Days later

Standing in front of the Kinoshita's house, Chizuru was nervous. She was afraid that she wouldn't be welcome but swept that thought away and went on with her plan. Ringing the doorbell, Kazuya's mother, Harumi, answered the door.

"Chizuru? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I need to speak with you all, there's something you need to know" Chizuru explained. Thinking it was important, she let the brunette in and gathered the rest of the family. Sitting in the living room, Nagomi still had the look of disappointment. Taking a deep breath, Chizuru began.

"I know there is tension in the air, but I'd like to make things clear" Chizuru began, "Yes, Kazuya and I lied to you all and I know you are all disappointed in him, but really, this is all my fault"

"What do you mean?" Kazuo asked.

"During the time we were together, I knew he had feelings for me" Chizuru explained, "But I also had feelings for him, and I kept denying it" Chizuru added, "If I admitted it to him, none of this would've happened, with that, I am sorry for ruining your relationship with him"

"I see" Nagomi started.

"Mother?" Kazuo questioned.

"So you take the blame because you don't want us to have a strain with Kazuya" Nagomi exclaimed, "You really are a good person Chizuru"

"You're not mad?" Chizuru asked.

"I wasn't mad, just disappointed, but your honesty changed my thoughts" Nagomi stated, "And I knew that Kazuya deeply cared for you, so I'm glad you met my grandson"

"Thank you" Chizuru thanked, "I've gotta go, I need to tell Kazuya the truth"

"Go get him" Nagomi cheered.

With that, Chizuru left the house and made her way over back to the apartment to see Kazuya. She really wanted to make this right. Running up the steps, she rang the doorbell of his apartment door. After waiting for 3 minutes, there was no answer. Confused, she knocked on the door this time, nothing. Entering her apartment, she went onto her balcony to see what was up. To her surprise, his apartment was empty. Going over to the landlady, she decided to get some answers.

"Hey, excuse me, what happened to Kazuya?" Chizuru asked.

"Oh, Kazuya, he moved out yesterday" The landlady answered.

"Moved out?" Chizuru cried.

"Yeah, I asked why and he said for personal reasons" The landlady replied, "Not sure what happened to him, but I hope the best for him"

Leaving the landlady's office, Chizuru walked over to the side of the street and sat down. Tears formed and she couldn't hold her emotions any longer. Chizuru couldn't believe that Kazuya left without second thought, the only man she loved, gone. She had no clue where he could've possibly gone. Her thoughts were interrupted by someone sitting next to her. She was met with the familiar blue ribbon worn by a certain high school girl.

"I overheard your conversation with the landlady" Ruka started, "Must be tough huh?"

"Why are you here?" Chizuru asked.

"I would always try to speak to Kazuya for a while to see how he was doing" Ruka explained, "I couldn't make it yesterday due to some school stuff" she added, "I was going to check up on him today, but it looks like he left"

"I see" Chizuru sighed, wiping her tears.

"I know I said that I will try to take Kazuya from you, but now that this has happened, I'm going to stop" Ruka explained.

"What? But you were so persistent on being with him" Chizuru stated.

"That is true, but deep down, I knew he only had eyes for you" Ruka told the brunette, "I was essentially chasing something I couldn't catch, go figure"

"So, you're not going to try to make him your boyfriend?" Chizuru asked.

"Not at all, I want him to be happy, and after what that bitch did, he deserves it" Ruka answered, "Wanna get some ice cream? I heard it's good for these types of scenarios"

"Yeah, let's go" Chizuru agreed, getting up from the ground.

Somewhere, off into the distance

Walking over to the building, Kazuya made his way into the facility. Taking a deep breath, he made his final decision.

"This is it, it's time to change myself" Kazuya said to himself. Entering a room with loads of other people, he was met with a man dressed in camo.

"Welcome to the Military everyone" the man said

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