Chapter 1: Evolved

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"Thank you for coming" Kazuya called out to the customers as they were leaving.

It had been 5 years now and Kazuya has changed quite a fair bit since then. Now sporting his more natural black hair while also wearing glasses, he almost looks like a different person. But anyone who knows him well can still tell it was the same guy that had a love for fish. After finishing his time at the military, he now lives in a sub-urban area of Kyoto, working at a bakery.

"Now that work's done, wanna head over to the izakaya after closing?" A voice asked.

Standing near Kazuya was a man with short dark hair pushed to one side and had metallic framed glasses over his green eyes. His name was Kenji Yamada, someone Kazuya met during his starting days as a soldier. The two became really good friends, almost like brothers. Kenji explained to him how he was always a keen baker and wanted to open a bakery. Because of that, the two partnered up and opened their bakery known as "The Baker Bros.". Despite being opened for only just over a year, they became very popular.

"Sure thing" Kazuya replied.

Once the bakery was closed for the day, they made their way over to the local izakaya for dinner. Upon arriving, they met up with Kenji's girlfriend, Miyuki Tanaka. A girl with dark brown hair that stopped past her shoulders and had black framed glasses over her blue eyes.

"Hey guys" She greeted.

"Hello Miyuki" Kenji replied.

The three of them sat at their table and enjoyed the beer and selection of food at the izakaya. Afterwards, all three of them made their way home to the apartment area. The three of them live in the same apartment complex that was stationed near the bakery. Both Kenji and Miyuki lived together while Kazuya lived next door to them by himself. Upon entering his apartment, putting his coat up, Kazuya looked at the picture frames on the wall.

"Those were the days" Kazuya said to himself, reminiscing the days.


Both Kazuya and Kenji came back from the canteen after having their lunch, the two were very tired from training. Sitting down in their barracks station, they were relieved to be done.

"Looks like we have to help retrieve hostages" Kenji exclaimed.

"Well, I hope we can do this, I don't want anyone dying" Kazuya replied.

"Yup, I always got your back" Kenji told him, holding out his fist.

"Right back at ya" Kazuya said, returning the fist bump.

Flashback End

Kazuya sighed, who knew that what he said back then almost was a jinx. Luckily, Kenji was there to help him, stopping the possible death. Looking at the medal he earned, Kazuya was almost happy with his life. Deep down, he still wishes he could be with Chizuru, but the chances of that happening were slim.

"I wonder how she would feel about this" Kazuya sighed, rolling up the left leg of his trousers.

Underneath, he revealed a prosthetic leg, made of a durable titanium allow that was also waterproof. During the rescue mission, the building he was in collapsed, landing on his left leg, crushing it. He couldn't move, and thought it was the end for him. However, Kenji came running back and saved him from near death. He had his life back thanks to him. Kazuya had to go through a lot of therapy to get back to walking, but now, everything is just as he was.

"One day, I hope I see Chizuru again" Kazuya exclaimed, going to get a shower.


Back in Tokyo, a beautiful brunette went to the backstage area after finishing off the play. Cleaning off the make-up, she revealed herself to be Chizuru Ichinose. Over the past few years, Chizuru had become a somewhat well-known stage actress. After finishing university, she got multiple roles and earned herself quite a fair amount of money in doing so. A lot of her acting jobs were lead characters and it was like a dream come true. Well, almost.

"Great job today, you made the crowd applaud heavily" Umi said, walking into the backstage area.

"Thanks, Umi" Chizuru thanked, putting on a slightly forced smile.

"You still thinking about Kazuya?" Umi asked, prompting the girl to nod, "I know it's hard, but I am positive that you guys will meet again someday"

"You sure?" Chizuru replied.

"Definitely, I always was rooting for you two secretly, so if we ever see him again, I'll make sure he doesn't run" Umi assured, "And then everyone will be happy"

"I hope so" Chizuru sighed.

Once she changed and packed her bags, Chizuru and Umi made their way to the main area to meet up with their friends. Upon arriving, she was greeted by everyone, Kibe, Kuri, Ruka, Sumi, Shinbo, and Kawanaka.

"You guys did amazing" Shinbo and Kawanaka both cheered.

"I really enjoyed the play" Sumi said, not as timid as she used to be.

"Bravo Chizuru, you made the show spectacular" Kuri applauded.

"Thanks guys" Chizuru thanked.

"Chizuru, Umi" A male voice called out. Everyone turned around to see the director of the play, Umi and Chizuru's boss essentially.

"Director, what's up?" Umi greeted.

"Spectacular performances you two" He complimented, "Since you guys will be on break, I thought I would treat you two to a holiday"

"Really?" Chizuru questioned.

"Of course, you can bring your friends along too" The director answered, "I can get you a few hotel rooms"

"Thank you director, we've been in need of a vacation for a while" Umi exclaimed.

"No problem, I will see you all when you get back" The director said, leaving.

"Wow, we get to go on a holiday" Ruka cheered.

"I wonder where we would go" Kibe wondered.


Chizuru was checking her emails and found one that was from the director. It was the location of the vacation with the added hotel tickets. Looking through, it was in a sub-urban area in Kyoto with lots of interesting touristy spots.

"This will be an amazing holiday" Chizuru commented, "And they have parking too, we can use the cars"

Picking up her phone, she began calling her friends to tell them about the news. Little did she know, this will be a once in a lifetime moment. On her laptop, on the list of tourist attractions and things to do, read one specific thing. The Baker Bros.

For those who don't know, an izakaya is a small restaurant where you can sit down, get comfortable, and have some food and drinks. A typically traditional thing to do after work in Japan.

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