Chapter 2: Coincidence

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At the hospital, Chizuru was visiting her grandmother before she left on her holiday with everyone. While they were talking, Sayuri decided to bring up the topic of Kazuya.

"I was wondering, do you think you will meet Kazuya on your trip?" She asked.

"What? What makes you think that?" Chizuru questioned.

"Well, you haven't left this area in a long time, so there might be a chance" Sayuri explained.

"Please Grandma, the chances of that are very low" Chizuru sighed, "For all I know, he could be in Australia"

"Just because the probability is low, doesn't mean it's impossible" Sayuri laughed, "Just keep that in mind, you never know"

Once Chizuru went to leave, she thought about what her grandmother said. Even though she wanted it to happen, she highly doubted that it could happen. Sighing, she made her way back home to pack her bags.

In Kyoto, a few days later

It was a nice sunny morning that day, birds were chirping, cars drove by, and the leaves fell from the trees. In front of the Baker Bros., Kazuya was outside, in his blue Baker Bros. apron, sweeping away the fallen leaves. As he was nearly finished, two university students stopped by. One was male with short, spiked navy-blue hair with grey eyes and was reasonably tall. The other was female with long brown hair that had blue highlights and red glasses over her dark eyes. It was Satoshi Kobayashi and Haruka Watanabe.

"Hey Kazuya" Satoshi greeted.

"Hello Satoshi, hello Haruka" Kazuya replied, "How's university?"

"It's been great, we're almost done with the term, so we can work here more often" Haruka answered.

"That's great, the more the merrier" Kazuya exclaimed, going back to sweeping.

"Alright, we'll see you later" Satoshi said, walking away with Haruka.

"Goodbye, see you at 4" Kazuya called back.

Off into the distance

At the local hotel inn, two cars drove up and parked in the car park right next to each other. The first car had Kibe driving with Kuri, Ruka, and Sumi while the second car had Umi driving with Chizuru, Shinbo, and Kawanaka. Once all of them checked in, they had three rooms to divide between them. They decided that the boys would have one room while the other two rooms were split between the girls. One room for Sumi and Ruka, the other room for the rest.

"Alright, now that we are here, what's there to do?" Ruka asked.

"I heard that there's a festival happening next week, but there are a bunch of local places we can go to here" Kuri said, reading the pamphlet.

"Wow, there are a lot of places with beautiful looking trees and flowers" Sumi exclaimed.

"Yeah, let's go look around and go sightseeing" Kibe suggested.

"I like the sound of that" Kawanaka agreed.

For the next few hours, the group went around the town, looking at sights and structures that were deemed interesting. It was quite enjoyable to learn about the history of the town and see the development. Overtime, they got quite hungry and decided to stop by somewhere to get food.

"Man, I'm hungry, where's a good place to eat?" Kibe asked.

"Looking at my maps, there is a bakery nearby" Ruka suggested.

"Ooh, ok, what's it called?" Shinbo asked.

"It's called the Baker Bros." Ruka read.

"Alright, let's go" Chizuru exclaimed.

Following the directions on Google Maps, they made their way over to the popular bakery in town. Entering it, they saw a wide selection of baked goods, from delicate sweet pastries and cakes, to delicious sandwiches made with homemade bread. Unlike most bakeries the group have been to back in Tokyo, this one made it clear that effort was put into the food.

"Wow, all of these looks delicious" Kawanaka said in admiration.

"I agree, this looks very homemade" Umi agreed.

"Alright, let's see what I should have" Ruka exclaimed. Once everyone got their selected bakery item or items, they went over to the register where Satoshi stood.

"Alright, that will be 3200 yen" he told them, "Would you like to have here or take away?"

"Have here would be nice" Kibe answered.

"Ok, and would you like to add anything else?" Satoshi asked.

"Oh yeah, could we also have some coffees as well?" Chizuru requested.

"No problem, that will make the price 4400 yen then" Satoshi said.

After they finished paying, the group went and sat down at one of the larger tables of the café section. Being served, they all enjoyed the deliciousness of the bakery's produce. During their enjoyment, someone caught Chizuru's eye. A man working at the bakery, who was putting more sandwiches on the shelf, looked exactly like Kazuya. The only difference was the jet-black hair and glasses.

"Guys, does that guy look like Kazuya?" Chizuru asked.

"Are you sure you aren't seeing things?" Kuri questioned.

"No, I'm serious, look" She pointed out, causing everyone to turn towards where she was pointing. As one would expect, everyone was shocked.

"That does look like Kazuya-san" Sumi exclaimed.

"If his hair colour wasn't different, I'd say he is the striking resemblance of Kazuya" Ruka pointed out.

"Well, actually, not many of you know this but, Kazuya's natural hair colour is black" Kibe explained.

"Really?" Umi asked.

"Yeah, I've known him since we were kids, he just dyed it because he wanted to" Kibe replied.

"Here's the last coffee" Satoshi said, coming up to them with one last coffee.

"Excuse me" Chizuru requested.

"Yes?" Satoshi replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, who is that person over there?" Chizuru asked, pointing at Kazuya.

"Oh him, that's Kazuya Kinoshita, one of the co-owners of this establishment" Satoshi answered.

"What?" everyone else exclaimed.

"You guys know him?" Satoshi asked.

"Uh yeah, we were friends with him back in Tokyo" Kibe explained.

"Let me guess, you guys want to meet him since you haven't seen him in a long time" Satoshi guessed.

"Yeah" Ruka admitted.

"No worries, I'll go get him" Satoshi said, making his way over to his manager. "Hey Kazuya"

"Yeah Satoshi?" Kazuya replied, finishing up with the shelf.

"Some people would like to see you" He told him.

"Who?" Kazuya questioned. Turning towards the café section, he saw his friends from earlier and someone he thought he'd never see again. "Chizuru?"

Hey guys, sorry about the delay on writing this. The previous week was my last week at TAFE (Australian College) and I had to turn in all my assignments. I am now on a 3 week break, so hopefully, I can add more chapters. Other than that, I will see you next time. Cheerio everyone.

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