Chapter 5: Honesty

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Ok, firstly, I'd like to apologise for releasing this very late. I was going to write it, but things happened and I just started my new course at TAFE. So I have been quite busy getting myself set up for learning. Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

It had been only a few days since Kazuya and Chizuru finally made it official. To tell you the truth, Kazuya couldn't be any happier. However, he has yet to explain what had happened in the past few years before reuniting with her. He decided to tell everyone once they all make it to the bakery. Obviously, Umi knew, but he wanted the rest of the group to know. On his way to meet up with Chizuru, he saw her being disturbed by a bunch of delinquents.

"C'mon lady, you are looking very hot today, why not come with us and have some fun?" the first one delinquent.

"I told you, I am seeing my boyfriend, can you just leave me alone" Chizuru exclaimed.

"Ah, feisty one, she sounds like a lot of fun for us" The second one stated.

"Hey, leave her alone" Kazuya called out.

"Who the hell are you?" The third delinquent questioned.

"I'm her boyfriend" Kazuya answered.

"Please, this guy? You look like a wimp" Delinquent 1 pointed out.

"Me, a wimp? You look like your mother still buys your undies" Kazuya shot back.

"Ey, you don't say that to the boss" Delinquent 2 said.

"You better not mess with him" Delinquent 3 added.

"Time to teach you a lesson" Delinquent 1 exclaimed.

"Kazuya" Chizuru cried.

The Delinquent tried to land a punch, but Kazuya was quick and grabbed the moving fist. Using his knowledge from his military training, he maneuvered his arm behind the back and pushed the Delinquent against a light pole. The other two were shocked by his strength while the boss was screaming in pain.

"This isn't even that much, you mess with her, you'll have to deal with me" Kazuya threatened.

"OK, I GET IT, PLEASE, LET ME GO" The Delinquent Boss cried.

After letting him go, the three delinquents ran off in fear. Feeling satisfied with his actions, Kazuya patted his hands and turned back to Chizuru, who was still in a shocked state.

"How did you do that?" Chizuru questioned.

"Well, I was planning on explaining what happened for the past few years to everyone" Kazuya explained, "The stuff I did just now is sort of related."

"Ok" Chizuru stuttered.

Making their way over to the bakery, the couple were able to meet up with the rest of the group along with Kenji. After explaining why they were late, the rest of the group were interested to hear what Kazuya and Kenji had to explain, minus Umi since he had a feeling on what's happening.

"Alright, what needs to be explained?" Ruka questioned.

"Ok, so 5 years ago, after I left Tokyo, I enlisted in the military" Kazuya started.

"The military?" Kibe exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's where Kazuya and I met" Kenji added, "We served there for about 3 and a half years".

"At that time, we were sent to another location to save a bunch of hostages" Kazuya explained, "However, a building collapsed on me, and I had lost my left leg."

"What?" Everyone yelled except for Umi. To prove this, Kazuya rolled up the left side of his trousers to show his prosthetic leg. With light tears in her eyes, Chizuru placed her hand on it, feeling the metal alloy instead of human skin.

"It took a while for me to recover, but in the end, I was able to pull through" Kazuya ended.

"So, there was a possibility that you could've died?" Chizuru asked.

"Yeah, luckily it didn't happen and I'm still here" Kazuya said.

"And not to worry, we have officially retired from the military" Kenji assured.

After finally telling everyone the truth, the two former soldiers were more relieved now that they didn't have to hide it anymore. That night, Kazuya and Chizuru were spending some alone time. He noticed that she looked a little worried, and Kazuya knew why.

"You're thinking of the possibility that I might've died before hand?" He asked.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, I was" Chizuru admitted.

"Hey, no matter what happens, I will never leave your side" Kazuya assured her, "I've grown to make sure that I can be with you no matter what."

"You really mean it?" Chizuru asked.

"Affirmative, I won't let you go again" Kazuya said, holding her into an embrace.

"Thank you, Kazuya" Chizuru exclaimed, "I love you, so much"

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