Chapter 6: Bonding

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'Allo governors, sorry this chapter was really late. I have been busy with life as I was completing my second semester at TAFE. Now that my course is near its end, I have enough time to write this next chapter. I will be taking a little break after this since I will be attending a convention on the weekend. With that being said, enjoy the chapter. (Also, there will be a lemon, just a quick warning)

Pouring the crisps into the bowl, Kazuya was setting up for a date with Chizuru at his place. Since it was nearing the end of her holiday, she requested that they spend time with just the two of them at his house. He was a bit confused as he never really invited anyone into his apartment other than Kenji. But now that he has gained more confidence these past few years, it didn't seem like it was back in university. After finishing setting up the table, he heard a knock at his door.

"Coming" He called out as he ran to open the door. There stood Chizuru, happy to see him. "Welcome in"

"Hello Kazuya, it's great we get to spend time like this before I leave" Chizuru exclaimed.

"It's alright, I love spending time with you" Kazuya replied, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"So, what are we doing today?" Chizuru asked.

"Well, I've set up the table in front of my TV and we'll be watching a movie together" Kazuya answered, "Pick whatever you like"

"Alright" Chizuru said.

To anyone who would say that this was going to be an ordinary house date would be wrong. Chizuru actually had something else in mind that she would hopefully get to do with him. She would finally take the leap and take charge. While watching the movie, she thought back to what Kenji told her.


About a week ago, Chizuru was up and early, making her way to the bakery. Kenji, who was putting out the outdoor sign, saw her come by.

"Hey Chizuru, what brings you here today?" He asked.

"I just need to talk to you" Chizuru explained, "Is Kazuya here?"

"No, he won't be here until 9AM, any reason?" Kenji answered.

"This is a personal matter, so can we do this in private?" She requested.

Confused by what she has to say, he ended up accepting the request. The two made their way into the bakery and towards the back where his office was located. Sitting by his desk, they began to talk.

"So, what do you need to talk about?" Kenji asked.

"I just wanted to know, Kazuya is still a virgin, right?" Chizuru exclaimed.

"Uh, yeah, he never had a relationship during the 5 years I knew him until you came along" Kenji answered.

"Alright then, and do you have experience in this sort of thing?" She asked.

"Um, why are you asking me this?" Kenji questioned.

"Just answer the question" Chizuru sighed.

"Ok, yes, Miyuki and I have done it if that's what you're asking" He answered.

"Good, I just need some tips" Chizuru told him.

"Tips?" Kenji questioned.

"Look, I am a virgin too and I never have been in a relationship before" Chizuru admitted, "So, I am new to all this stuff, and I really want him to have a good time"

"I see, well, the best advice I can give you is just let the feelings decide, being able to spend that moment with the one you love is more than enough" Kenji explained.

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