Chapter 3: Reunion

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It was quite the unexpected sight for Kazuya, all the people he knew back in Tokyo, were sitting right in front of him. The worst thoughts came to mind at first, but he shook them away, knowing full well that there is no point being pessimistic. Taking a deep breath, he made his way over to the group to greet them.

"Hey guys, didn't expect to see you all" Kazuya greeted.

"No kidding, we never knew you owned this place" Kibe commented.

"Well, after my friend and I left our previous job, we decided to open this place" Kazuya explained, "He loved baking, and he taught me how to do it."

"That's amazing, I would love to know what goes into your craft" Shinbo exclaimed.

"We still have open slots for jobs if anyone is interested" Kazuya said.

"Hey Kaz, what's happening right now?" A voice asked. Kazuya turned to see Kenji walking up to him.

"Oh, some of my old friends so happen to be here by pure coincidence" He explained.

"Ah, I see, it's good to see some of Kazuya's friends" Kenji stated, "I'm Kenji, the other co-owner of this establishment"

"Nice to meet you" Ruka replied, "So you're the one that taught Kazuya baking"

"Yup, I did it a lot when I was a kid, and he was happy enough to help out" Kenji exclaimed.

"By the way, we're on holiday right now, so whenever you guys are free, want to join us?" Umi suggested.

"Well, we do have a few days off on the weekend, and there is the Summer Festival that's happening next week" Kenji recalled.

"Alright, it's settled, we'll see you guys then" Umi exclaimed happily.

After exchanging numbers, the two went back to work while the rest went back to eating. Chizuru was a bit quiet during that time. She wondered if Kazuya still had feelings for her, it appeared as if he may have moved on. Umi noticed this and decided to help out.

"I'm sure he is a bit overwhelmed with not seeing you for a few years" He assured, "The only way to know is to tell him"

"Are you sure about that?" She asked.

"100%, you just need to go for it" Umi explained.

"Thanks, Umi" Chizuru thanked. Meanwhile, with Kazuya and Kenji.

"Remind me, which one was the girl you liked?" Kenji asked.

"The brown haired one that didn't really speak" Kazuya answered.

"Do you plan on doing anything?" Kenji questioned.

"I want to, I just don't know if she really likes me that way" Kazuya explained, "Honestly, I don't want to make things awkward between us"

"Well, I'm sure you'll get her, I noticed that she kept eyeing you and had a slight blush" Kenji told him.

"Really?" Kazuya asked.

"Yup, so you might have a high chance" Kenji said before going back to work. Thinking about this, Kazuya smiled at his friend's optimism. Now, he was more confident that it will work.

On the weekend

Now, the group are hanging out with Kazuya and Kenji who are also joined by Miyuki, Kenji's girlfriend. They met up near the park as a meeting point before going around the town. With their combined knowledge, both Kazuya and Kenji explained to everyone else about their hometown, acting like tour guides so to speak.

"Wow, how long have you guys lived here for to know all of this?" Ruka asked.

"Well, Kazuya has only lived here for more than a year, but I basically grew up here" Kenji explained.

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