Chapter 4: Festivities

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Hey guys, before the chapter starts, I do want to explain why I haven't updated in a while. After I finished TAFE, I got a part time job in the mean time before I went back into studying. So I have been pretty busy recently. Anyway, with that said, let's get on with the story.

It was now the day of the festival and Kazuya was trying to prep himself for the day. Once the fireworks start, he plans on telling Chizuru his feelings after so long. He had his doubts on whether she would return them or not, but Umi has assured him that she most likely will return his feelings. Leaving his apartments, he met up with guys to go see the rest of the group.

At the meeting point

Chizuru was waiting with the rest of the girls. All of them dressed up in Yukatas, fitting for the Summer Festival. Despite her usual confident look, Chizuru was feeling extremely nervous. The others agreed to let the two of them have their moment while the rest do whatever they want. Once the guys arrived, they were all mesmerised by the looks of all the girls in their yukatas.

"Wow, you look amazing" Kazuya exclaimed.

"Thank you, Kazuya," Chizuru thanked, knowing full well she is blushing.

"So, shall we go around?" Kazuya asked.

"Yeah, let's go" Chizuru agreed.

Walking around, they enjoyed what sights that behold in the festival. Eating the different foods at the stands, playing a bunch of the games, and watching some of the dances on the stage. Kazuya managed to win a stuffed goldfish for Chizuru which she happily accepted, knowing how much the man loved fish. Everyone was enjoying the festival, it was a fun thing to do during their vacation. As time went by, the fireworks were nearing.

"So, what's the best place to go and see the fireworks?" Ruka asked.

"Well, there are a bunch of different locations you can try" Kenji explained, "There are some secluded areas for people who want to be alone, and the hill over there is good too"

"Tell me one of those secluded areas, I'd like to spend some time with Shinbo there" Umi whispered.

"What was that?" Shinbo asked.

"Nothing" Umi said immediately, hoping that his plans to confess wasn't heard.

"I know a place that's very nice, want to join me Chizuru?" Kazuya asked.

"Oh, sure thing" Chizuru answered.


After finding some places, everyone was set to watch the fireworks. Kenji and Miyuki were stationed at the spot they got together. Umi and Shinbo were located in a secluded area that Kenji told him about. Both Kazuya and Chizuru found a place that had an amazing view of the sky. The rest were at the hill to watch the show. Once fireworks started blasting into the sky, everyone was mesmerised by the sight.

"Hey, Chizuru" Kazuya started.

"Yeah" She replied.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you" Kazuya said, "I know we haven't seen each other for 5 years, and things have changed, but the one thing that stayed the same was my feelings for you"

"Kazuya" Chizuru whispered.

"Even though it's been a long while, I can never stop thinking about you" Kazuya explained, "So, I want to spend the rest of my life by your side, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, of course Kazuya" Chizuru cried, pulling him into a hug. "To be honest, I thought you had moved on"

"I would never move on, I love you, so much" Kazuya confessed.

"I love you too Kazuya, and there's something I need to tell you" Chizuru replied.

"That being?" He asked.

"I actually realised my feelings way back then, I was going to confess to you after making amends with your family, but you had already moved out by then" Chizuru admitted.

"Wait, you had feelings for me since then?" He questioned.

"I did, Grandma made me realise it after the conflict happened" Chizuru answered, "So, I wanted to tell you that, but you had left" She added, "I was very upset when I learned that you left, I was crying on the side of the street and Ruka had to comfort me"

"I'm sorry for hurting you there" Kazuya apologised.

"It's ok, I had no idea either" Chizuru assured.

"Looks like the fireworks ended, want to head back?" Kazuya asked.

"Of course," Chizuru said happily, grabbing his hand. The two walked back hand in hand, ready to tell everyone the good news.

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