Chapter 7: Visit

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It had been nearly a month since Chizuru's vacation ended and to say that she missed Kazuya was an understatement. She longed to be with him but since he had to stay to run the bakery, it couldn't be helped. However, since the University break for some of his workers will be starting soon, he will have time to visit her and see his family again.

"I cannot wait for him to come back" Chizuru sighed.

"You really do miss him" Sayuri exclaimed.

"I sure do Grandma, I just want to spend more time with him" Chizuru admitted.

"Don't forget that you want to surprise his family, I had to keep it a secret from Nagomi" Sayuri pointed out.

"I know, he plans on seeing them once he arrives so that he can reassure them that everything is alright" Chizuru explained, "I just hope they will be happy to see him"

"Oh they will be, but Nagomi might get extra teary" Sayuri added.

The Next Day

It was now the morning and Chizuru patiently waited for her boyfriend to arrive. Luckily, her parking spot was unused since she didn't own a car, so Kazuya could easily park his in there. She wondered about an idea that she thought of back when she got together with him during her holiday. Her thoughts were interrupted once a blue hatchback appeared in front of her.

"Kazuya" She called out.

"Hey there Chizuru" Kazuya greeted, getting out of his car.

"I'm so glad you made it" Chizuru said, hugging him.

"Well, gotta get here to see my beautiful girlfriend" Kazuya exclaimed.

"That was sappy, but thank you" Chizuru thanked.

"Anyway, let's put my stuff away and we can go see my family" Kazuya said, going to grab his stuff.

An Hour Later

"So, you nervous?" Chizuru asked.

"A little, but I'm more worried about Grans" Kazuya replied, "I hope she doesn't hit me with an umbrella"

"I'm sure she won't hit you for not seeing her in a long time" Chizuru assured.

"Oh no, that's not what I'm afraid of" Kazuya explained, looking at his leg.

"What do you, Oh ok" Chizuru said, realising what he had meant.

After knocking on the door to his family home, he was greeted by his parents who hugged him after not seeing him for years. When Grandma Nagomi was wondering what was up, she immediately ran up to Kazuya to hug him while crying. The couple laughed at the interaction and joined them in the living room.

"So Kazuya, what have you been up to?" Harumi asked.

"Well, I own a bakery in Kyoto that my friend and I co-founded" Kazuya explained.

"That's wonderful" Harumi replied, "Where did you meet this friend?"

"Uh" Kazuya stuttered.

"Kazuya, something the matter?" Kazuo questioned.

"This friend of mine, I met him when I was working as a soldier in the army" Kazuya answered.


"I, may have lost a leg" Kazuya admitted.

Upon hearing that, Nagomi immediately fainted which worried Kazuya and his parents. Luckily, she was fine but the fact that her grandson has a prosthetic made her quite upset. Chizuru assured her that he was fine and is living a perfectly normal life now that he's out of the army. This calmed her down and she decided to not hit Kazuya with an umbrella.

"Well, that was an interesting moment" Kazuya exclaimed.

"Indeed, I never expected her to overreact about that" Chizuru agreed.

"I'm just glad that's over" Kazuya sighed.

"Anyway, want to go somewhere?" Chizuru asked.

"Sure thing" Kazuya replied.

The next few hours spent was just a lovely date of them going to the Aquarium where they first met and reminiscing old memories. It was quite a surprise to Chizuru how she at first hated Kazuya for his lies that got them into trouble. But in hindsight, she was glad she met him, or else she wouldn't have found the happiness she had been longing.

"Something up?" Kazuya asked.

"Oh nothing, just remembering things" Chizuru replied.

"About how much you hated me and was hoping I would stop acting like an idiot?" Kazuya jokingly questioned.

"Along the lines of that, but mainly about how happy I am to be with you" Chizuru answered, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Well I'm happy to be with you too" Kazuya said, "Thank you for being by my side"

"And thank you, for coming back to my life again" Chizuru thanked. The two closed the gap between them, relishing the moment after not seeing each other for a while. However, a certain voice interrupted them.

"Well, well, well, look who it is" A familiar sounding voice exclaimed. The two turned to see someone they never thought they'd interact with again.

"What do you want Mami?" Chizuru questioned.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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