𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟳

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The school planned the trip from saturday to friday. As the days started passing by you decided to takes things slow with Law. He didn't seem to mind it since he got to see me everyday still. The morning of saturday finally came.

"Close already!"
You jump on your suitcase trying to close it finally. You pull on the zipper and pray it closes. With no victory you let the zipper go. You scream in frustration as you stand up from it. The zipper pops open making your clothes fall from the sides.
"I'm not coming!"
You shout so loudly everyone else in the level hears you. Bonney rolls her eyes at you before the door opens behind you. You hear Eustass' goofy laugh before he pushes you away from the suitcase.
"Let the master show you how it's done."
He forces the clothes inside before sitting with all his weight on it. The zipper quickly zips up making Bonney cheer.

"Thank you! I couldn't sleep since she was packing that thing all night."
Law walks behind you kissing your cheek gently. He starts to laugh seeing your hair all over the place.
"Is that why you didn't andwer my texts or calls?"
He asks lifting his other eyebrow. You scoff before grabbing your phone from your nightstand.
"You didn't call me. Oh."
Your home screen is filled with notifications from Law's calls and texts. In total 15 texts and 6 facetimes.

"Y/n you should've just answered him. He was crying after 3 drinks because you didn't answer him."
He pulls Bonney closer to him before starting to scroll through his phone.
"You got a video of him?!"
You jump in excitement making Law start yelling at Eustass.
"Don't you-"
Eustass presses sent sending you a notification to your phone. You dash into the bathroom locking the door as Law chases after you. You press on play starting the video. You see Law laying on his bed hugging his pillow while crying your name. A big smile forms on your face.
"Y/n why aren't you answering! Don't you like me anymore?"

You open the lock making Law walk in. He starts laughing again seeing the condition of your face and hair.
"I picked you an outfit for the airport."
He grabs a hairbrush and starts brushing through your ratsnest. Eustass and Bonney walk to the bathroom door.
"We'll go for breakfast. Remember to be on time."
They walk out of the room leaving the two of you alone. His front presses against your back as he keeps brushing.
"I also brought you breakfast."

You turn to him and place your head on his chest. He kisses your head before running his fingers through your hair.
"You know I don't need to be babied right?"
You ask him looking up at him. A smile spreads on his lips.
"I'm not as clueless as you think. You need attention and I'm ready to give it to you."
You place your hands on his cheeks before pulling him closer to you. Your lips quickly clash creating a kiss. Not a sexual one but a sweet one.
"Thank you."

You walk to your bed seeing a pair of navy nike sweatpants and a hoodie places on it. You turn to Law noticing he's wearing the same thing in black.
"Matching, really?"
He rolls his eyes as you start to pull on the clothes. You sit down on the bed ready with the clothes on. He grabs a pair of air forces and socks. Lifting your feet he kisses your ankle before pulling the socks on.
"No I don't have a feet kink."
You start to laugh as he ties the laces on your shoes.

You roll the luggage down the stairs and start to wait for Bonney and Eustass. You try to stand in place as Law's head is placed on your shoulder and all of his weight leaning on you.
"You seem tired."
You rake your fingers through his hair. You were mostly jealous of how healthy and thick Law's hair was.
"I am. I tried to call you all night."
You laugh a little as you pat his back gently.
"At least you get to sleep on the buss."
He nods his head still resting on your shoulder.
"Bonney asked me if I'd switch rooms with her. Is it okay with you?"
He lifts his head looking straight into your eyes.
"Of course."
He leans down to kiss you before the dormitory door opens.

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