Chapter 1

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Jeonghan rushed through the busy streets. Ushering through crowds of needy people and honking cars. It was a chilly day. Clouds formed in the sky blocking the sun, the air felt cold as Joenghan walked against it. It echoed along in his ears as the loud sounds from the city echoed with it. Average to Jeonghan. To him it was just another day living as an art major at Ode University.

Jeonghan kept his portfolio with his project close to him. His long blonde hair fell between his glasses and eyes, causing occasional hair flips to keep it out of the way.

-God it's gotten long-

His Indian patterned cardigan kept him warm enough till he got onto the subway. Letting his brown boots stop on the metal floor of the subway. He held one of the safety guards and took a deep breath. Everything was just average. The Average 'pulled an all-nighter to finish my art project that's due in 20 minutes but I couldn't catch the bus' type of average for him.  

Yet his life wasn't so average. 

As he bumped into random people and pleading a 'sorry' or 'excuse me'. They just passed by as nameless pedestrians with their own lives. Jeonghan didn't know these people, nor could he see their faces. Due to his disorder Prosopagnosia, that took his life and practically flipped it upside down. The ten-year-old boy he used to know had changed. From being extroverted to introverted. Who used to not care at all but now has trust issues and lacks social skills.

Without seeing faces you miss out on a big part of life. His old friends would get mad at him because he would get their names wrong. In their eyes it showed that Jeonghan didn't care for them or appeared rude. In his eyes he just couldn't see them. Recognize new things they might have changed, or expressions.

Jeonghan could see everything else but faces. He couldn't even see his own. Prosopagnosia Made his life a little harder. He had to rely on his hearing, the tone in someone's voice to recognize them. What they wore because everyone has a different type of fashion. Soon enough he gave up though, doing all that was a little too hard. It took a lot of time and people usually don't have patience. Well, the people he wounded up with. Some stayed close but he never told them his little secret. Jeonghan thought -Why tell them if they're not going to stay for long-.

"You're late!" Jisoo called from in front of the arts building.

"Sorry, I missed the bus, so I had to take the subway." Jeonghan pleaded to his childhood friend. The only one that stuck around. Jisoo was Jeonghan's friend before he lost his sight to see faces. Jeonghan wouldn't be where he is now without him.

Ya, he felt bad, he couldn't be that friend to go out to parties, be able to tell if Jisoo looked good or not. Couldn't tell if his eye bags were too big to go out after the all nighter he had pulled. Because he was also an art student. Yet, after all of those precautions Jisoo stuck around, to give his diseased friend a little of assistance.

"Well let's go then!" The two ushered through the hallways of the art building.

"Which teacher is this again..."

"Mrs. Nesbitt."


Thus, they got there in time, turning in their projects for them to be graded. They had to paint a painting with a strong meaning. Jeonghan had taken his own life in favor of this. Painting a person without a face.

"Elaborate your painting Mr. Yoon."

The blonde spoke in a low tone, "I drew a faceless person, because as you go on with your life you find you are only passed by faceless people that you probably will never meet in your life. And sometimes the people you used to know turn into those faceless people."

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